There are some great new recreation and sports programs in the area, for kids and adults alike:
Philadelphia Athletics Youth Sports Association (48th & Woodland Playground). Opening Ceremony this Saturday

The Philadelphia Athletics Youth Sports Association (PAYSA) is a new baseball league in West Philadelphia (founded in the fall of 2013). It provides basic to advanced level instruction and works on building character through teamwork, sportsmanship, leadership and decision-making in a competitive sports environment. The league currently has four tee-ball teams, five rookie league teams, two softball teams and four travel teams. Over 170 kids are currently enrolled in the league. The first PAYSA practice was on Wednesday.
The Opening Day Ceremony will take place tomorrow (Saturday, April 5) at 48th & Woodland and all families, friends and neighbors are invited. Please assemble in the outfield of the Small Field around 9 a.m. for a short ceremony followed by the initial Tee Ball League Games at 10 a.m. For more information on PAYSA visit:
uGO Community Fitness Challenge (36th & Aspen)
Neighbors are invited to join the uGO Challenge, a free eight-week fitness and nutrition program currently underway in the Mantua neighborhood. uGOers enjoy walking and running groups as well as group fitness – Zumba, Line Dancing, African Dance, walks through the community and more.
All programs are led by local fitness instructors. On the first and last days of the Challenge, doctors and nurses from Drexel University will offer health screenings to track body mass index (BMI), blood pressure, and blood sugar as well as share professional medical advice with uGOers. Health Chats are led by trained Ambassadors who live within the community and local facilitators from the hospitals.
The sessions take place every Saturday between March 29 and May 17 starting at 10 a.m. at Miles Mack Playground, 36th and Aspen Streets. Despite the rain last Saturday over 20 participants showed up at Miles Mack Playground’s indoor facility, according to the organizers. Stop by this Saturday (April 5) to participate in the Line Dancing class and learn about healthy food choices.
uGO partners include People’s Emergency Center, We Are Mantua, LISC, and SCI West. See the flyer below for more information.
For more information, visit:
Healthy Kids Running Series (4328 Haverford Ave)
Healthy Kids Running Series is a five-week program, kicking off on Saturday, April 5. Kids ages 3-14 are invited to compete in racing events at the Lee Cultural Center Field on Haverford Avenue (4328 Haverford Ave) on Saturdays from 10 – 11 a.m. Registration for the series is only $5 and includes medals, gift bags, and snacks. This is a great opportunity to introduce your child to running. For more details and to register, go here.

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