Posted on 12 March 2014 by Mike Lyons
Attention actual/would-be/wannabe filmmakers: International House Philadelphia (3701 Chestnut) and the Sundance Institute are hosting a half-day seminar on making short films this Sunday, March 16.
The Sundance Short Lab Philadelphia includes Sundance-organized panels and discussions to offer first-hand insight into a bunch of different aspects of short filmmaking, including story development, production and working with a cast and crew.
The Short Lab is aimed at anyone involved in filmmaking – writers, directors, producers, actors and crew members. It runs from 10 a.m. to about 4 p.m. at the International House and it’s FREE. Info on tickets is available here.
Presenters include:
• Director/editor/producer Cherien Dabis
• Writer/filmmaker Madeleine Olnek
• Writer/director/photographer Carter Smith
If you’re looking for some filmmaking inspiration beforehand, you might want to get to the International House’s presentation of short films from the National Film Board of Canada, which starts at 2 p.m. Saturday. More info on that here.
Posted on 12 March 2014 by Mike Lyons
As Philadelphia City Council budget negotiations begin to heat up, so are public school activists.
For more information on the proposed budget and what might have to be tweaked to get adequate funding for schools (including an extension of the 1 percent increase in the city sales tax beyond July), go here, here or here. Also, info on education and the state budget is here. Needless to say, school funding in both budgets will be a sticking point and public school advocates are getting ready.
Here are a couple of ways to get involved:
• The groups Public Citizens for Children and Youth, Public Interest Law Center of Philadelphia and Education Voters of Pennsylvania have planned a “Day of Action” on Thursday, March 13 to pressure City Council members to extend the city sales tax increase. They are meeting on the 4th floor of City Hall at 9 a.m., noon and 3 p.m. Community members are encouraged to stop by.
• Parents from the Penn Alexander School and other West Philadelphia community members are holding an “education advocacy planning session” on Thursday, March 20. The meeting will include an overview of information on the district’s budget deficit, city and state funding sources and instructions on how to call and visit elected officials. The meeting is at 5:30 p.m. in the Penn Alexander cafeteria. Enter through the doors near the blacktop on 43rd Street between Locust and Spruce.
• If you’re on Twitter, another good way to keep up with school news is by search #PHLed.
Posted on 11 March 2014 by Mike Lyons
A film crew from the television show How to Get Away (that’s what the flyer says, but we’re wondering if it’s How to Get Away with Murder) will be shooting in the area through March 28. They are asking people to heed the temporary “No Stopping” signs that are (or will be) posted along the following blocks on the following dates:
• East side of 42nd Street, from Locust to Spruce – Wednesday, March 5 through Friday March 28 at 7 p.m.
• Both sides of 42nd Street from Locust to Spruce, south side of Locust Street from 40th to 42nd and north side of Spruce from 40th to 42nd – Today (Tuesday, March 11) at 10 p.m. until Thursday, March 13 at 8 a.m. and Sunday, March 16 at 10 p.m. through Wednesday, March 19 at 8 a.m.
Notes placed on car windshields in the area read:
“We are guests in your neighborhood and will do everything to minimize any disturbances caused by our presences. If you have any questions or concerns about deliveries or handicapped access, please contact Joshua Clarke at 843-408-3486.”
He also might be the guy to call if you get towed.
Posted on 11 March 2014 by Mike Lyons

Editor’s note: A neighbor wrote us yesterday to describe a mugging at 48th and Florence on Sunday night. She agreed to let us print her account, minus her name. She has reported the incident to police.
I was told I should let you all know about this so that others could be on the lookout. Last night at [about 11:30 p.m.]. I was mugged at 48th and Baltimore right outside of Gold Standard walking down Florence Ave. [She] was a short (5’2″ or shorter) middle-aged African American woman wearing a dark knit cap and a blue or black heavy coat. She initially approached asking for fare to get to 69th and Market. When I wouldn’t go along with her story she got mad and threatened my life, claiming to have a weapon. I didn’t see one and she may not have had one, but I figured it wasn’t worth the risk and gave her my empty wallet. She tried to use my debit card at a CVS, I’m not sure which one. It got flagged by fraud prevention and I canceled all of my cards. Hopefully people will keep on the lookout for this person. She also had very bad teeth. If you need anything else, please let me know. Also, if you could please not print my name or identifying details, I would appreciate that.
Posted on 10 March 2014 by Mike Lyons

The aftermath of a crash Monday that left half a dozen cars damaged along the 4200 block of Locust Street.
Police are investigating an accident early Sunday morning along the 4200 block of Locust Street that left a trail of damage along the street and nearby yards. The driver was “driving recklessly at a high rate of speed” down the block at about 3:30 a.m., according to a police spokesman.
The woman lost control of the vehicle and struck six parked vehicles, including a Philadelphia Water Department truck. A neighbor said one of the vehicles hit a nearby home. The driver and a passenger were both taken to HUP.
The spokesman did not say if the woman had been charged in the accident.

Not a note you want to find on your car.
Posted on 10 March 2014 by Mike Lyons
Police are searching for a suspect in two gunpoint robberies that happened Sunday night about midnight on the 900 block of South 47th Street and on 49th Street near Chester Avenue. Police believe the same man – a black male, approximately 20 years old, about 5-foot-8-inches tall, wearing a green hoody and blue jeans – is responsible for both robberies.
The first robbery happened at about at about 11:45 p.m. when the suspect approached a couple, ages 26 and 28, who were walking down 47th Street near Warrington. Brandishing a silver handgun, the man demanded their cell phones and wallets, which they did. He fled south on 47th Street.
The second robbery occurred about 45 minutes later a few blocks away, near 49th and Chester, when police say the same suspect with a silver handgun demanded money and a cell phone from a 36-year-old male.
None of the victims were injured. Police are asking those with information to call 215-686-TIPS or text short code PPDTIP. You can also submit anonymously here.
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