Posted on 27 March 2023 by

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HopePHL, the non-profit organization that was formed at the beginning of the year as the result of a merger of People’s Emergency Center (PEC) and Youth Service, Inc., is hosting its first-ever community Program Fair on Wednesday, March 29. The fair will showcase all the programs and teams from PEC and Youth Service, Inc. that have combined into one organization.
Families, children, young adults and West Philadelphia community members are invited to attend this event, which features a wide range of programs that cater to different needs. From resources to computer classes, wellness to education, parenting support to employment opportunities, there is something for everyone. Participants can ask questions and enroll in programs on the spot, making it easier than ever to get involved.
The event will take place from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. at Rowan House located at 325 N. 39th St. Participants will have the chance to meet the teams behind the programs, win special prizes, and enjoy snacks and fun.
For more information and to RSVP, click here.
Posted on 24 March 2023 by Mike Lyons

An artist’s rendering of the apartment complex proposed for 4601 Market St.
Councilmember Jamie Gauthier is once again calling on residents to push developers of a 1,240-unit apartment complex at 46th and Market Streets to include affordable housing during a meeting scheduled for March 27.
The meeting is part of the Civic Design Review process for “Mill Creek Station,” an upscale cluster of five seven-story buildings, one 19-story building and courtyards that will have “outdoor kitchens, lounge spaces and a pool for the residents,” according to the plan. The apartment complex would be adjacent to the city’s juvenile detention center at 48th and Haverford.
You can review the recent history of 4601 Market Street across a couple municipal administrations – from its designation as the new police headquarters and morgue to the current proposal – here. Continue Reading
Posted on 23 March 2023 by
Councilmember Jamie Gauthier’s path to re-election got a lot easier this week when Jabari K. Jones, widely seen as a viable competitor to her 3rd District seat, dropped out of the race.
Jones, the 28-year-old head of the West Philadelphia Corridor Collaborative, positioned himself to the right of Gauthier on issues like development and crime, but withdrew from the race on Monday ahead of a hearing on legal challenges to his nominating petitions. He was one of about a two dozen candidates for City Council who faced challenges to their paperwork this week. The challenges are a longstanding tradition in Philly politics.
Lodged by three 3rd District voters and committeepeople, the legal challenges alleged that many of the people who signed Jones’ nominating petitions did not live in the District or were not registered Democrats. City Council candidates are required to submit 750 signatures to be nominated.
The 3rd District race was setting up to be one of the more competitive races in this year’s municipal primaries. There is no Republican challenger to Gauthier’s seat. All 17 City Council seats will be on May 16 primary ballots.
Posted on 20 March 2023 by

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The Paul Robeson House & Museum in West Philadelphia is celebrating the 125th birthday of the legendary Renaissance man – a football star, singer, actor, lawyer, social activist, orator and linguist – next month with an impressive series of special guests and events.
Robeson fearlessly used his bass-baritone voice for both singing and speaking for the rights of Black people in America and oppressed people all over the world. For his advocacy of those considered outsiders, he became a pariah in his own country. The goal of these celebrations is to “pull Robeson out of the shadows.”
The headliner is Sweet Honey in the Rock, a legendary group whose songs and message are in the same vein as Robeson’s. Harry Belafonte, who considered Robeson his mentor, is the honorary chair of the 125th Birthday Celebration of Paul Robeson. Actor Danny Glover is the honorary co-chair. The celebration is being held from April 8-15, 2023, in conjunction with the Paul Robeson Alliance, a collection of Robeson-related organizations from across the country. Continue Reading
Posted on 18 March 2023 by
Apple Studios has been filming scenes for the upcoming season of their television show, Catamount (a limited-run crime drama) in the Spruce Hill neighborhood since February. Filming is mostly taking place in the area of 44th/45th and Spruce and on 46th Street between Pine and Spruce, but more areas may be affected as well.
As the scenes involve the production crew working with equipment on the street, there are intermittent road closures and parking restrictions in the areas of filming. Residents are asked to move their vehicles prior to the crew’s arrival. Any vehicles not moved will be relocated to another street in the neighborhood by the Philadelphia Police Department.
Here are the dates and times of the no parking zones for the neighborhood from Sunday, March 19 through Friday, March 24. Continue Reading
Posted on 16 March 2023 by
State Rep. Rick Krajewski (188th Legislative District) today announced three projects in his district that were awarded a combined $1.75 million in state funding from the Commonwealth Financing Authority.
The projects awarded this funding include:
• $1 million to PIDC Financing Corporation on behalf of the Public Health Management Corporation to upgrade the Public Health Campus on Cedar’s parking garage.
• $500,000 to the city of Philadelphia for the construction of a synthetic sports field at the corner of Kingsessing Avenue and South 49th Street.
• $250,000 to PIDC Financing Corporation on behalf of The Woodlands Cemetery Company of Philadelphia for renovating a historic building at The Woodlands.
“I am proud of the $1.75 million in state grant funding that will be coming to our district and excited for how these funds will contribute to West and Southwest Philly being a place where people are cared for and can thrive,” Krajewski said in a statement. Continue Reading
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