
"West Philly"

More back-to-school drives/fundraising efforts to help local kids

Posted on 19 August 2013 by WPL

We recently published information about two school supply drives in West Philadelphia to help local families in need get ready for the new school year. Here’s information on two other back-to-school drives and fundraising efforts happening in the area.

bookbaggiveawayThe Nehemiah Davis Foundation (NDF), is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that works hard to serve our city through efforts such as the Back-to-school Book Bag Giveaway, annual Thanksgiving dinners for veterans, seniors and homeless, an annual Christmas toy drive for youth, and more. On Sept. 1, 2013, NDF will be holding its Fifth Annual “Back-to-School Book Bag Giveaway” at Malcolm X Park (51st and Pine). Community volunteers will help to distribute donated book bags filled with schools supplies and clothing to over 300 local children.

During the event, NDF will also provide entertainment, free food and haircuts for all of the families who attend (see flyer for more information).

NDF would appreciate donations of school supplies, book bags, or clothes for the giveaway. Book bags are especially wanted so if you can donate one it would be greatly appreciated. Donations can be dropped off at Myra Herbal Wellness, 666 N. 52nd Street, Philadelphia, PA 19131. Monetary donations are also accepted at: www.gofundme/neodaviso.

Families Forward, a local organization that assists homeless families and runs 75 transitional and permanent family residential units in West Philadelphia, is working hard on preparing their children for school as the school bells ring in 2013-2014. In the past, the School District of Philadelphia provided school uniforms vouchers to homeless children and children in transitional housing, but this year they have cut that funding dramatically, according to Families Forward’s Director of Fund Development Grace Hightower. Children K-8 will only receive $20 (previously it was $50) and students 9-12 will only receive $30 (previously it was $75).

Gifts of $50 can help Families Forward purchase two uniform pants, two shirts and a pair of shoes to help a child have a great start to the school year. Gift cards to Forman Mills are also a great way to help with purchasing school uniforms.

Typically, used items are accepted at Families Forward, but this is not the case with back to school. Donors are asked to collect NEW:

• Backpacks (youth and teen)
• Black and white composition books (MEAD)
• Plastic scissors
• Crayons (basic colors)
• Markers (erasable)
• Glue sticks
• Pencils and pencil cases
• Ink pens (Blue or Black)
• Highlighters
• Rulers
• 3 Ring Binders and dividers
• Loose leaf paper
• Folders (with side pockets)
• Index Cards/poster board
• Flash Drives
• Calculators
• Dictionary and Thesaurus
• Tissues/Hand sanitizer

If you would like to organize a drive or have any questions please contact Grace Hightower by phone at 215-240-4828 or email at: Donations can be delivered until August 30, 2013 to 111 N. 49th Street; Philadelphia, PA 19139. Gifts can also be made at

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Timely performance of No Child …, a play about inner-city schools, at Malcolm X. Park

Posted on 16 August 2013 by Mike Lyons

No Child ... curators (from left) Walter DeShields, LaNeshe L. White and Carlo Campbell at Malcolm X. Park (Photo from Facebook page).

No Child … curators (from left) Walter DeShields, LaNeshe L. White and Carlo Campbell at Malcolm X. Park (Photo from Facebook page).

This might be the most timely theater performance of the year. On Sunday, Aug. 18, “Theatre in the X” debuts at Malcolm X. Park (51st and Pine) and the first performance is the off-broadway piece No Child ..., which gives a first-hand account of what it’s like to teach and learn in inner-city schools.

Theatre in the X

Click to enlarge.

Originally performed as a one-woman show, the play is based on playwright and actress Nilaja Sun‘s experience teaching art in the New York public school system. The Theatre in the X version will feature a multi-general cast to play the teacher, students and school personnel who provide a glimpse into a school classroom.

The performance comes as the public school system Philadelphia is making national headlines for its financial difficulties.

Andre G. Brown will direct the play and Walter DeShields, LaNeshe L White and Carlo Campbell are the curators. The Leeway Corporation provided a grant for the performance.

The curtain opens at 6 p.m. and admission is free.

Theater in the X will continue the following Sunday, Aug. 25, with a production of Black Mass.

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Community Park to come to Walnut Hill Community Farm this Fall

Posted on 16 August 2013 by Annamarya Scaccia

Walnut Hill 3

Many folks are probably curious about the construction that’s happening over at Walnut Hill Community Farm on Market between 46th and S. Farragut Streets. It turns out that a community park is being built on the site and is expected to open mid to late-September.

The park is the latest element to come to the small homestead at 4610 Market Street since it opened in 2010 as initiative between the Walnut hill Community Association and local residents. According to Allison Blansfield, program manager of West Philly Foods (which oversees the farm’s CSA, apprenticeship program, and farmstand), the space was designed as a sitting park for residents to use as a place of relaxation. Tables and chairs will be place throughout the park, which will coexist with the already-established community garden and production farm, with native trees and perennial florae planted on the grounds.

walnut Hill 1

Photos by Mike Lyons/West Philly Local.

In addition to providing tranquility, the park will add a level of safety and security to Walnut Hill Community Farm, said Blansfield. Solar-powered streetlights that turn on at a certain level of dimness will be installed on the site, which barely receives any illumination currently, she stated. According to the program manager, the crew was also able to stabilize a “severely eroded” part of the land during construction and build a retaining wall restoring “the integrity of the alleyway.” This wall, she said, is another added safety feature for the residents whose backyards face the farm.

A small greenhouse is also being assembled and will open the same time as the park. The greenhouse will allow Walnut Hill Community Farm to grow its own vegetable starts and flower starts for community residents, and increase production on the farm, said Blansfield. A water capture system was also recently built in partnership with Septa that collects rainwater running off the roof of the 46th Street El Station and irrigates the farm.

The Walnut Hill Community Farm produce stand is open every Thursday from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. until October. The farm itself, however, is open all day to the public.

Annamarya Scaccia

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West Philly animal welfare group in desperate need of adoptive/foster homes for rescued cats

Posted on 16 August 2013 by WPL


Spice is looking for a new home.

Project Meow, a West Philly-based all-volunteer, no-kill animal welfare group, is appealing to West Philadelphians to adopt or foster their cats as they are currently at capacity. Project Meow is doing an important job in the neighborhoods through their TNR (trap-neuter-release) program for stray and feral cats and they also help lots of abandoned or lost West Philly cats and kittens find new homes. You may have seen some of Project Meow cats in the Baltimore Pet Shoppe window.

In this post, we are profiling two lovely cats that are looking for their forever or foster homes.

Spice is a beautiful cat who has been in foster care for almost two years, simply because, well, everyone seems to want kittens. He is mellow, friendly, child safe and loves other cats. Give him a ball to chase and a good petting and this wonderful Siamese mix is in heaven.

Nigel (see photo below) is a sweet big boy who has a microchip from several years ago, but sadly no one bothered to register it. After sitting outside patiently for months, he was brought inside. He’s made himself quite comfortable in his foster home, but he would very much like a home of his own.

For information on how to adopt, please email:

For a list of other adoptable cats and kittens, please follow this link:


Nigel is begging you to adopt him.

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Cedar Park Cafe reopens after damage from shoddy demolition job

Posted on 16 August 2013 by WPL

Cedar Park Cafe

Photo by Mike Lyons/West Philly Local.

The wait is finally over for all-day breakfast fans as the popular neighborhood diner the Cedar Park Cafe reopened Thursday. Located at 4912 Baltimore Ave., the cafe had been closed for many months after the Christmas Eve 2012 fire destroyed Elena’s Soul Lounge next door and poor demolition job of their building caused extensive damage to the adjacent cafe building. It took a few months of renovations and uncertainty during which the cafe opened another location, in the Overbrook section of West Philadelphia.

No word yet whether Elena’s Soul or Gary’s Nails salon, which also was damaged by the demolition, will ever reopen.

Cedar Park Cafe hours are: Monday to Friday 7 a.m. – 3 p.m. and Saturday-Sunday 7 a.m. – 4 p.m.

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Vigil tonight for Kingsessing shooting victims

Posted on 15 August 2013 by Mike Lyons

Here is a chance tonight to stand with your neighbors against violence in the neighborhoods.url

The Kingsessing Fifth Division Community of Neighbors is organizing a vigil at 6:30 p.m. at 1100 S. Divinity St., the site of multiple shootings earlier this week and last week. Here is a message from the organization:

“Violence has peaked its head once more as young men in our community are the victims of senseless violence. Come out on Thursday August 15, 2013 as we pray for peace in our streets. Come be with your neighbors, community leaders, and elected officials. We want to encourage our community that we still have work to do. Bring a balloon with you as we will release for peace.”

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