
"West Philly"

Forum on school closings today

Posted on 28 February 2013 by WPL

Mount Zion Baptist Church (50th & Woodland) and the pastor, Reverend Cedric Jones, are hosting a forum on school closings in Southwest Philly tonight, from 6 – 8 p.m.  The following schools in the School District of Philadelphia’s Southwest Planning Area are slated for closure: Wilson Elementary, Pepper and Shaw middle schools, and University City High School.

You can find more information on the proposed closings and other changes in the Southwest Planning Area here (PDF file).

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West Philly Kindergarten Open Houses in March 2013

Posted on 27 February 2013 by WPL

Here’s a list of kindergarten open houses scheduled in West Philadelphia in March compiled by the West Philly Coalition for Neighborhood Schools and co-sponsored by Cedar Park Neighbors, Garden Court Community Association, Spruce Hill Community Association, and Walnut Hill Community Association.


A. D. Harrington School
5300-34 Baltimore Ave., 19143
(215) 471 – 2914
Open House: 3/5, 9:09-9:45 a.m.

Alain Locke School
4550 Haverford Ave., 19139
(215) 823 – 8202
Open House: 3/5, call school for time

Alexander Wilson School
1300 S. 46th St., 19143
(215) 823 – 8206
Open House: 3/5, Starts 9:00 a.m.

B. B. Comegys School
5100 Greenway Ave., 19143
(215) 727 – 2162
Open House: 3/5, 9:00-11:00 a.m.

Henry C. Lea School
4700 Locust St., 19139
(215) 471 – 2915
Open House: 3/5, 9:15 – 10:15 a.m.

Martha Washington Academics
766 N. 44th St., 19104
(215) 823 – 8203
Open House: Not having Open House in March
Will have Open House on 5/17, 12:30-1:15 p.m.

Morton McMichael School
3543 Fairmount Ave., 19104
(215) 823-8272
Open House: 3/5, 1:30-2:15 p.m.

Penn Alexander School
4209 Spruce St., 19104
(215) 823 – 5465
Open House: 3/5, 9:30-10:30 a.m.

Samuel B. Huey School
5200 Pine St., 19143
(215) 471 – 2901
Open House: 3/5, 10:00-11:00 a.m.

Samuel Powel School
301 N. 36th St., 19104
(215) 823 – 8201
Open House: 3/5, 8:30-10:00 a.m.

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Second Spruce Hill planning meeting this week

Posted on 25 February 2013 by WPL

SpruceHillPlanningSpruce Hill residents are invited to attend a second meeting to guide future development decisions in their community. This Action Planning Workshop will be held at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 27, at the Wilson Student Center on the campus of the University of the Sciences (42nd & Woodland).

The session will again be led by Jennifer Hurley, a professional planner hired by the Spruce Hill Community Trust. Residents will be asked to confirm their community vision, brainstorm about ways to make it a reality, and plan next steps.

This meeting follows up on one in December that drew an unexpected turnout of about 90 people who were asked to indicate their likes and dislikes about directions that development could take in Spruce Hill. Hurley has taken that material and pulled it together in a presentation that may be viewed on the Spruce Hill Community Association’s website.

The Spruce Hill neighborhood boundaries run from Market Street to Woodland Avenue, 38th Street to 46th Street.

For more information about the planning workshop, contact Barry Grossbach, chair of the trust, at or at 215-349-7825.


About 90 people participated in the first meeting about the future development of the Spruce Hill neighborhood. (Photo from Spruce Hill Community Association’s Facebook page).


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Man killed in house fire near 46th and Woodland

Posted on 25 February 2013 by WPL

A man died on the second floor of the rowhome at 1257 S. 46th St. overnight.

A man died on the second floor of the rowhome at 1257 S. 46th St. overnight.

A neighbor was killed and two others were injured in a house fire overnight on the 1200 block of S. 46th Street. The fire broke out around midnight and was put out about 20 minutes later. The victim, a man in his 30s, was found on the second floor and was pronounced dead at the scene. Two other men who were at the house when the fire started were able to escape.

We spoke to a next-door neighbor this morning who said that the attached row home at 1257 S. 46th is a boarding house that includes five units. The woman said she had some damage in her ceiling where firemen broke through to ensure the fire didn’t spread to adjacent buildings.

Apparently, the house was in pretty bad condition, with portable oil and electric heaters in use and no working smoke alarms, Fire Commissioner Lloyd Ayers told NBC10.

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Dog bites neighbor, rabies shots needed, owner sought

Posted on 24 February 2013 by WPL

A West Philly resident, Nati Passow, was bitten by a dog last night while he was biking down Larchwood Avenue between 44th and 45th Streets. He is looking for the dog’s owner to see if the dog was up to date on all of his shots, in order to avoid a series of rabies shots. Here’s what Nati wrote us in an email:

On Saturday night around 9:45 I was biking down Larchwood between 45th and 44th. A woman was walking her dog and the dog ran at me. She called after him (that’s how I know the name), but Clyde proceeded to bite my leg. It’s not too bad of a bite, but it broke skin, so I went to HUP, and because I didn’t know the dog, they started me on the rabies vaccine. I’d really prefer not to have to get the remaining 3 doses, and they said that if I track down the owners and learn that Clyde has gotten all of his shots, I’m good to go.

If you know someone in the area with a dog named Clyde, please put them in touch with me. It was a very quick interaction, but I believe Clyde was a big dog, slender build, with a lighter colored coat.

If you know anyone in the neighborhood who has a dog named Clyde that fits the provided description, please email Nati as soon as possible at, as he will need to return to HUP in three days for the next dose.

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UCD report: Overall crime down, auto thefts up in 2012

Posted on 22 February 2013 by WPL


Map Source: University City District (click to enlarge).

Crime dropped in the University City District (The Schuylkill River to 50th Street, Spring Garden Street to Woodland Avenue) last year in comparison to 2011, according to a report issued this week. Specifically, this concerns such crimes as unarmed robberies (down by 30%), aggravated assaults (down by 35%), and residential burglaries (down by 36%).

One area though is a cause for concern – the number of auto thefts dramatically increased in 2012 – by 43%, from 100 to approximately 150 incidents. The UCD is asking residents and visitors to “use common sense when parking or leaving your car for the night” and “make sure you lock up and remove any valuable objects from plain sight.”

Other serious crimes, like armed robberies and thefts from automobiles have slightly decreased (by 6% and 9% respectively). There are still about 100 robberies with a gun per year and almost 250 thefts from cars in the neighborhood (see photo below).

In January, 2013, 18 serious crimes were committed within the University City District boundaries (see the map) and three related arrests have been made, according to the report.

To sign up for UCD’s monthly Crime Update please email:


A neighbor, Vinicio Guevara, snapped this photo last Sunday, at the corner of 44th and Spruce. One of the windows was smashed and a stereo was stolen from this car.


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