Posted on 15 November 2022 by

Philadelphia Fire Department deputy chief Charles Johnson speaks to reporters late Tuesday afternoon about a carbon monoxide leak at an apartment building at 48th and Chester (Photo by West Philly Local).
A man has died after a suspected carbon monoxide leak this afternoon at an apartment building at 48th and Chester.
The building, which includes 40 units, has been evacuated and will likely stay closed overnight. No one else was hospitalized, according to Charles Johnson, a deputy chief with the Philadelphia Fire Department.
Work was being done on the heating system in the building, according to Johnson, before the leak was discovered.
Someone from the building called 911 when the man was found unresponsive. When fire department officials arrived at the scene they discovered high levels of carbon monoxide in the building. The investigation is underway.
Posted on 14 November 2022 by Mike Lyons

A Black Holiday Pop-up Market is now open at 26 S. 52nd St. (Photo courtesy of The Enterprise Center).
As you plan your holiday shopping, be sure to stop by the Black Holiday Pop-Up Market on 52nd Street just south of Market.
Hosted by The Enterprise Center, the market located in a retail space at 26 S. 52nd St. offers everything from art and jewelry to books and skin and healthcare products from more than 30 Black-owned businesses and Black creators. It is open Tuesday through Thursday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., Friday and Saturday 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Sunday 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
The pop-up market runs through Jan. 15. Continue Reading
Posted on 14 November 2022 by
Friends of Clark Park, a volunteer-run organization, is working on a new master plan for the popular West Philly park, known for its farmers and flea markets, outdoor theater productions and film screenings, music festivals, sports and recreation programs, and many other community events. The plan, which is expected to be completed next year, “will set the vision for future park development and investment plans,” according to Ari Kessler, Friends of Clark Park Communications Committee Chair and Board Director.
Studio Bryan Hanes, a Philadelphia landscape architecture firm, has been selected by the Friends as a partner in the planning process. As part of this process, the partners are looking for community input. Community members have a chance to provide their feedback at a meeting hosted by SBH at Clark Park Farmers Market (43rd and Baltimore) on Saturday, Nov. 19, 10 a.m.- 2 p.m. See the flier below for more details. Continue Reading
Posted on 09 November 2022 by

Philly’s non-profit music venue World Cafe Live is inviting local community members – parents, students, and patrons – as well as fans of music everywhere, to join them on Saturday, Nov. 12 and experience a selection of WCL’s upcoming programming.
This event will be completely free to the public, fit for everyone! At 10:30 a.m., WCL’s Artistic Director of Education & Engagement, Josh Campbell, will host a Coffee & Conversation where he’ll talk about what his organization has been building for its guests and community.
At 11:00 a.m., Guachinangos will present one of WCL’s flagship Bridge Sessions, diving into son jarocho and cumbia traditions in the venue’s legendary Music Hall. This will transition directly to an interactive songwriting workshop with a WCL teaching artist, so attendees are encouraged to stick around for the fun. Admission will be on a first come, first served basis and RSVP is required (click here to register).
“We pride ourselves on being a place where artistry meets [social] impact and are hoping to expand this impact with an upcoming Community Open House on November 12th, 2022,” writes Jacinda Arellano, Program Manager.
For more information about World Cafe Live and its programming, visit:
Posted on 07 November 2022 by Mike Lyons
It’s General Election Eve and here are a few logistical things to keep in mind about the big day tomorrow.
Those who haven’t voted early, there are dozens of polling places around West Philadelphia; to find your polling place, go here. Polls will be open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. An ID is not required to vote unless you are voting for the first time or have recently moved. As long as you are in line by 8 p.m., you can vote.
Check your voter registration status here.
If you still plan to vote by mail, you can. Just drop off your ballot at one of the mail-in voting centers until 8 p.m. tomorrow. Here’s the info for that. Keep in mind that it’s too late to apply for a mail-in ballot and please note that polling places are not for dropping off your mail or absentee ballot. Continue Reading
Posted on 04 November 2022 by
Two West Philadelphia-based recreation centers have recently been awarded grants from the state’s Redevelopment Assistance Capital Program for much-needed repairs and upgrades.
A $2.75 million grant will be provided to the City of Philadelphia to support the Christy Recreation Center, located at 55th and Christian Streets. The project will involve renovating the existing center building and grounds, including ADA access to and throughout the facility. The facility will also become better lit and greener, with more efficient use of interior and exterior spaces. Better and newer equipment will be installed for the benefit of all ages, as well as more places to sit, eat, play, and recreate.
The grant was announced by Rep. Rick Krajewski representing the 188th Legislative District. This investment is in addition to $1 million that has been secured by Philadelphia Councilmember Jamie Gauthier to go toward the complete redesign project that is currently underway. Continue Reading
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