Posted on 09 December 2012 by WPL
Hanukkah, the Jewish festival of lights, began last night and we want to pass along information that Kol Tzedek, a Reconstructionist synagogue in West Philly, is inviting neighbors to its Annual Hanukkah Party/Fundraiser today from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. at the Calvary Center for Culture and Community (48th & Baltimore).
Here’s more information from the Kol Tzedek website:
“Candlelighting is approximately at 4:30 pm… This is also vegetarian potluck dinner — bring along a dish to share and your own plates/cutlery if you are able. Come celebrate the Second Night of Hanukkah with the Kol Tzedek community! Light candles, nash on some latkes, play games, sing songs, listen to some classic klezmer brought to you by our Simcha Band, and enjoy the warmth of this holiday of Lights!
This event is also a fundraiser for the community. Suggested sliding scale donation: $8-18 for individuals, $18-36 for families. No one will be turned away! This year, we are aiming to have a bit of a marketplace, featuring local vendors, so bring along some extra cash for that last minute holiday shopping! We need lots of latkes! To volunteer for latke making or volunteer in other ways, contact
We invite you to bring any or all of these: a vegetarian dish to share, your own plate/napkin/cup/ silverware, your own menorah and candles so we can add to the beautiful lights, a donation of winter gear, coats, mittens, scarves, etc for a local charity.”
Posted on 08 December 2012 by Mike Lyons

Police inspect one of the two vehicles involved in an accident this evening near 46th and Hazel.
A collision near the intersection of Hazel Avenue and 46th Street was the result of a driver trying to elude police, an officer at the scene said.
The accident occurred at about 7:15 p.m. on Saturday. A police officer at the scene said the driver of one car “panicked” when he saw a police car, sped up and collided with another car. The officer said there were no serious injuries.
Witnesses said that one person fled the car being chased and another was arrested. We’ll pass along more information as we get it.
Posted on 08 December 2012 by Mike Lyons

Despite the two stop signs, vehicles routinely blow through the intersection of Baltimore Avenue and Springfield Avenue.
A cyclist was reportedly seriously injured last night when she collided with a car at the corner of Baltimore Avenue and Springfield Avenue, a notorious intersection that includes heavy pedestrian and bike traffic and where cars often don’t stop.
The accident happened at about 11 p.m. and the cyclist was wearing a helmet and her bike had lights, one witness said. The cyclist appeared to be unconscious when the ambulance arrived. A witness also said that a pedestrian stopped the car that hit the cyclist.
A reader, Kelly, who lives on Baltimore wrote to us about the accident and included a warning to pedestrians to stay alert near the intersection. We are trying to get more information on the woman’s condition.
Kelly writes:
“In the last month 3 separate bicyclists have been hit at this intersection. I don’t know the young person that was hit and I hope she is okay but it was not a pretty site. Thankfully a pedestrian saw her get hit and stopped the car. My partner and I were home and heard the accident happen and while she called 911 I ran out to see if I could help. Needless to say this intersection is horrible and I make it a point to never cross there unless absolutely necessary. Basically I would love the message to get out to those crossing at that intersection to please be aware of the cars that neither look, slow down, or care if you are walking/biking and if you can avoid crossing there do it. It would be amazing if we could do away with the intersection all together making those cars turn on 45th at the light and making them slow down, stop, and consider the others that occupy the roads/crosswalks.”
Posted on 07 December 2012 by WPL
The Philadelphia Mobile Food Association is teaming up with Philabundance in an effort to make holidays brighter for those who can’t afford food. PMFA is organizing a canned food drive this month and will be accepting non-perishable food donations until December 23. You can drop off your donation at any PMFA food truck (see the list of participating West Philly trucks below). The project launched last Saturday during the PMFA Holiday Round Up. Next time you visit your favorite truck remember to bring some canned goods for your fellow man.
- Lil Dan’s (33rd & Arch)
- Spot Burger (33rd & Arch)
- Chewy’s (Market St. between 34th & 35th)
- Gigi’s and Big R (38th & Spruce)
- Cupcake Carnivale (33rd & Arch)
Posted on 06 December 2012 by WPL

Doll by Jessie Schwarz.
University City Arts League is holding its annual Holiday Craft Show and Sale from December 7 to 21 and inviting everyone to the opening reception this Saturday, 6:00-8:00 p.m. (members-only opening reception is on Friday, 6:00 to 8:00 p.m.). Over 50 artists will present their work at this year’s show, including ceramics, dolls, drawings, felted animals, hand woven bags, glass, illustrations, jewelry, note cards, paintings, prints, purses, scarves, table linens, wallets and more!
The show hours are:
Monday – Friday, 3:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Saturday and Sunday, noon – 6:00 p.m.
For more information, visit
Posted on 06 December 2012 by WPL
Many kids in the Philadelphia area will be cold this winter because their families can’t afford heat or warm clothes. To help local children stay warm, neighbor Jeannette Bennicelli is organizing a winter coat drive for Cradles to Crayons, a local non-profit that provides children living in homeless or low-income situations with the essential items they need. If you have new or used winter clothing or coats for children aged infant through 17 years old that you would like to donate, please email Jeannette at: to arrange the donations.
UPDATE: Jeannette sends many thanks to all those who responded to this post and donated coats and says that she welcomes more donations (deadline is Monday, Dec. 17).
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