Posted on 15 July 2012 by WPL

This information came from a reader, Kelly:
“My friend’s porch at 50th & Pine has been graced by this super friendly male Siamese cat. He’s not neutered and looks relatively young (under a year old), but he’s also very thin and was eager to get a small meal. He’s possibly been outside for a while now. If he belongs to someone (which he probably did – you don’t see stray Siamese very often!), they can hopefully find him in that area.”
If you have any information about the owner of this cat or have questions, please email:
Posted on 12 July 2012 by Mike Lyons
And the winner of Honest Tom’s venerable taco truck is … Maru Global (Facebook page), the folks who specialize in authentic Japanese street food.
Maru Global’s plans for the truck are still coming together, but it is sure to feature takoyaki – a fried dough ball typically filled with octopus, ginger, onion and other delectables – maybe some curry fries, onigiri or their famous desert balls.
Maru Global won the truck as a result of a contest Honest Tom ran earlier this month asking would-be entrepreneurs to write him and explain why they should get the truck.
The winning of the truck is the latest in a tumultuous string of recent events for Maru Global’s Chef Ryo Igarashi and his wife Nicole Igarashi, who handles the business side of the operation. They had to close their restaurant, Tokio Global, near Headhouse Square in April after Ryo underwent surgery to remove a blood clot from his brain. As he recovered they returned to the kitchen to prepare a whittled down mobile menu for events and festivals around the city.
“Honest Tom” McCusker’s 1970 step van, which he bought with credit card cash advances, will now be a key part of that mobile operation.
Congrats to Maru Global and well done to Honest Tom for paying it forward.
Posted on 12 July 2012 by Mike Lyons
The 19-year-old man who pleaded guilty to sexually assaulting a woman at gunpoint last September near 48th and Springfield and about two dozen other crimes will be sentenced tomorrow.
Kareem Drayton negotiated a plea deal with prosecutors in April on charges stemming from the highly publicized sexual assault and robbery of a 32-year-old teacher. Police say Drayton held a gun to the woman’s head and assaulted her as her boyfriend stood nearby. Drayton also pleaded guilty to other robberies and burglaries in the city. His sentencing hearing is scheduled for 9 a.m. tomorrow in courtroom 802 at the Criminal Justice Center (1301 Filbert St.).
Drayton’s accomplice in the robbery of the woman and her boyfriend, 19-year-old Tyshanek Presley, also negotiated a plea arrangement and will be sentenced in August, according to court records.
The sexual assault and robbery took place at about 10 p.m. as the couple returned home from a restaurant. The crime shook many residents in the neighborhood and 100 people attended a monthly police meeting days after the crime to discuss what could be done to curtail crime in the area. The crime also spurred renewed interest in neighborhood watch groups, including the 48th Street Neighborhood Town Watch.
Posted on 11 July 2012 by WPL

A reader, Steve, emailed us with this information:
“There’s been a kitty hanging around my place at 45th & Springfield for a day or two now. Female, probably 2-3 years old, has all her claws. Looks pretty clean (teeth/ears/eyes), kind of dirty on her paws. Very talkative and loves people – very affectionate too! I’m guessing she did/does belong to someone, she has a lavender/purple collar on, but has no ID.”
If you have any information about this cat’s owner, please email Steve at:
Posted on 11 July 2012 by Kelly Lawler
If you missed First Friday downtown this month, don’t worry! Lancaster Avenue is here to help with Second Fridays, beginning this Friday, July 13. Now through September on these formerly neglected calendar days you can head down to Lancaster between 34th and 45th Streets for visual art displays, live music, sidewalk sales, and even free food. The event’s theme is “Come Out and Play.”
This Friday from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. you can look forward to a Garden Party Open Mic at the Community Education Center (CEC), booths from Rock the Vote, and Art Exhibitions from the Flying Kite Art Gallery, Vintage Villa Antique Shoppe, and Art on Lancaster. You can also visit the Tiberino for “Carnivolution” at 8:00 p.m. You can find out more information on Lancaster Avenue’s facebook page.
Posted on 09 July 2012 by WPL
Choreographer and educator Anne-Marie Mulgrew presents The Keepers Project, a series of free movement workshops for people of 65 years of age and older. Workshops begin on Thursday, July 19 at the University City Arts League (4226 Spruce St) and registration is open now.

Anne-Marie Mulgrew.
Workshops will include a series of guided movement and theater exercises exploring the group’s stories about family, roots or life-changing moments. People of all ethnic backgrounds are encouraged to participate. No experience is necessary, just a willingness to share, connect and be involved in the process taking place monthly through March 2013. Participants will keep a journal and leave with a workshop portfolio. It is recommended to attend all 10 sessions. Additional sessions will meet August 16, September 19, October 24, November 28, December 19, January 23, February 20, March 20, and the final culminating workshop TBD. Sessions run 10-11:30 a.m.
To register and for more information, please call 215.462.7720, email, or visit or
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