
"West Philly"

Hosts sought for next Porch Hop Party

Posted on 27 June 2012 by WPL

If you live between Baltimore and Kingsessing Avenues, and between 47th and 49th Streets, the 48th Street Neighbors group is inviting you to be one of the hosts at the next Porch Hop Party on Saturday, August 4. Nine porches participated in the first Porch Hop on May 19 and those who attended this event had a great time. The hosts reported that it was the easiest party they’ve ever thrown with little preparation and no clean up!

If you would like to host the next Porch Hop please or have questions, send an email to: Please include your street address in your email. You can also leave a message on Facebook at:

Please respond by Monday, July 2.

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New public art piece at 46th and Spruce

Posted on 26 June 2012 by WPL

This is one way to use a burned-out building. This new piece of art emerged on the north side of the former Transition to Independent Living building at the corner of 46th and Spruce Streets. The building was damaged in fire in February 2011.

Anybody know anything about it? Please let others know in the comments.


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Three 7-Eleven stores hit in overnight robbery spree

Posted on 26 June 2012 by WPL

Police are investigating robberies of two 7-Eleven stores and an attempted robbery of another 7/11 store in the area – at 42nd and Walnut Streets, 58th Street and Whitby Avenue, and 73rd Street and Elmwood Avenue. Police are still looking for the suspects.

The robbery spree started right after midnight at the 58th and Whitby store when a man walked in the store, pointed a long silver revolver at the clerks and demanded money. Both clerks were able to run into secured rooms at the store and the suspect fled without taking anything.

The store at 42nd and Walnut Streets was robbed about 15 minutes later, at approximately 12:15 a.m. by a person whose description matches the first attempted robbery. In this case the suspect also pointed the gun at the clerks, then went behind the counter, pulled out the entire register drawer and fled from the store with approximately $2,000.

The third robbery took place at about 1:30 a.m. at the 7-Eleven store located at 73rd Street and Elmwood Avenue. This time there were two suspects, one of whom was armed with a large silver handgun. The robbers removed cash from the registers (about $320), some scratch off tickets, the clerk’s phone, and also robbed one of the store customers (took his phone and car keys).

No injuries were reported.

The suspect with a gun is described as African American male, dark complexion, 6’2” to 6’4”, slight facial hair, 20 to 25yrs, thin to medium build. He was wearing a dark gray hooded sweat jacket, an orange brimmed baseball cap and dark blue jeans.

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Small black & white dog found near 50th and Hazel

Posted on 25 June 2012 by WPL

This dog was found near 50th and Hazel on Saturday night. If you have any information, please contact Pauline at 267-761-7872 or 215-430-2620.

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Getting ready for Kindergarten at Blackwell Library

Posted on 25 June 2012 by WPL

If your child is entering Philadelphia School District Kindergarten this fall and needs some extra help getting ready for the first day of school, here’s a program that can help. Lucien E. Blackwell Regional Library (52nd & Sansom) is hosting Ready, Set, Kindergarten, an interactive program for parents and children, tomorrow, June 26, from 6 – 7:30 p.m. Families will play educational games and will learn about important skills for Kindergarten. Families will also leave with fun, educational giveaways.

Ready, Set, Kindergarten is a new initiative started in partnership with The School District of Philadelphia, LEARN, The Free Library of Philadelphia and Please Touch Museum.

To register, please contact: Betsy Vassallo, 267-350-2863, See the flyer for more information.

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Found two small dogs (47th and Baltimore)

Posted on 24 June 2012 by WPL

A neighbor found these two dogs loose near 47th and Baltimore. Please email if you have any information about these dogs or think you know where they belong.

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