Posted on 06 June 2012 by Mike Lyons
Update: Andy L. knows the hood! He solved this one pretty quickly. It’s the town crier bulletin board near 40th and Pine. See comments below.
Think you know the neighborhood? Where was this photo taken? Each morning we’ll zoom out a little until someone guesses right. Place your guess in the comments. One guess per person per day please.

Posted on 05 June 2012 by WPL
Neighbor Anna is looking for a permanent home for a young calico cat she found on her doorstep during a storm:
“Super-friendly, cuddly, and beautiful young calico kitty needs a home. She was lost during a storm and was found on our doorstep. After several days we took her inside because of her super-friendly behavior and had no luck finding her original owner. She is clean, healthy, litter trained, and does well with our other 2 older cats.
We had her tested (FeLV/FIV negative) and got all of her shots up-to-date. We also gave her flea treatment just in case. She is a young kitty, less than one year old, doctor says. We are out of room with 2 other cats in the house and looking for a loving home for this adorable kitty. She is a great addition to any house and she loves to be around people.”
If you would like to adopt this cat, please contact Anna at:, phone: (267) 348-4208. More photos are available here.
Posted on 05 June 2012 by WPL

Neighbor Taylor found this male neutered cat near 49th and Pine. The cat has “sparkling, friendly personality.” Please call 301 357 6023 with any information.
Posted on 05 June 2012 by WPL
Supporters and opponents of the proposed liquor store at the corner of 43rd and Chestnut streets are expected to attend a new Zoning Board of Adjustment (ZBA) hearing tomorrow, June 6, at 1515 Arch Street (18th floor). The hearing is scheduled to begin at 1 p.m.
The Spruce Hill Community Association has tentatively supported the proposal with the stipulation that the 5,000-square-foot space be converted to an “upscale” store. Several residents have signed an online petition in support of the store.
Many Muslim residents who live near the location oppose the proposal. The plaza also includes a halal restaurant and butcher shop. The Masjid al-Jamia mosque is a block away on 43rd and Walnut.
The ZBA rejected the zoning application in April.
This is not the first time the ZBA has rejected a plan for a liquor store in the area. In 2007 the ZBA rejected an application for a liquor store near 43rd and Walnut – across the street from Masjid al-Jamia – after vocal opposition from Muslim residents.
Posted on 05 June 2012 by WPL

Today is World Environment Day and you can celebrate it by participating in a cleanup of Schuylkill River at Bartram’s Garden (5400 Lindbergh Blvd). The cleanup will be held tonight from 5 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. and is hosted by United By Blue. Snacks, supplies, and gloves will be provided. In addition to that, free Bartram’s Garden passes will be available for volunteers. If you attend three Bartram’s Garden cleanups organized by United By Blue you can qualify for a free Bartram’s Garden membership.
After the cleanup everyone is welcome to hang around for a post cleanup cookout. If you have questions, please call 215-642-0693. In case you drive, parking is available. For maps and more information, go here.
Posted on 04 June 2012 by WPL
A reader wrote us this morning about gunfire at 49th and Walton early this morning. Police confirmed that a man was shot while being robbed early at the corner of 49th Street and Walton. The victim was standing on the porch talking on the phone when two unknown men approached him, pointing a black handgun at him. They took the man’s wallet and then shot him in the left leg. They also took his phone but then threw it back at him. The incident happened around 1:45 a.m. Monday morning.
The victim was transported to Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania. The attackers, African American males, fled in a silver two-door Ford. The victim was alone at the time of the incident.
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