
"West Philly"

Found small brown dog (43rd & Osage) (updated with photo)

Posted on 03 March 2012 by WPL

This dog was found on February 26 on the corner of 43rd and Osage and still hasn’t been claimed. Please email: afuentes68 [at] to claim or with any tips.

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Registration underway for Red Cross Blood Drive

Posted on 02 March 2012 by WPL

On Saturday, March 10, a Red Cross blood drive will be held at St. Francis de Sales School auditorium (above Springfield Ave. at 917 S. 47th St.). By donating blood you can help three people at one time.

Please call 215-222-2255 and leave a message with your name and phone number. You will be called to arrange a convenient time, since many time slots are already filled.

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Mobile grocery store coming to Lancaster Ave this April

Posted on 02 March 2012 by WPL

Photo courtesy of West Philadelphia Fresh Food Hub.

Powelton residents will soon get more access to fresh, locally grown food. The West Philadelphia Fresh Food Hub, a mobile grocery store, is launching in April to serve Lancaster Avenue and the surrounding communities. The truck will sell groceries like rice, flour, milk, peanut butter and eggs and fresh fruits and vegetables supplied by Preston’s Paradise and Greensgrow Farms.

Ryan Kuck, West Philadelphia Fresh Food Hub project manager, says that they’ve been running a push cart market for about five years and were “looking for a way to scale up and be a more consistent access point to fresh food in our neighborhood.” The idea is “to be a grocery store more than a farmers’ market.”

So, look for the Fresh Food Hub starting next month along Lancaster Avenue, between 37th and 40th streets. The truck will also travel to senior housing communities, block parties and community events. The schedule for Lancaster Avenue (near 37th) is Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from noon to 6 p.m., and on Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. when it’s not at a community event. They’ll have additional hours at the Mantua library on Wednesday evenings and the West Philly Senior Center on Friday afternoons (they are still working on the details).

For more information about the West Philadelphia Fresh Food Hub and people behind it, read this Plan Philly article or visit their Facebook page.


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Vinyasa yoga class to benefit Mariposa Food Co-op

Posted on 01 March 2012 by WPL

Yoga instructor and Mariposa Food Co-op member Michal Waldfogel will be teaching a donation Vinyasa yoga class at Wake Up Yoga (4916 Baltimore Ave) to raise funds for the Mariposa Co-op expansion. The class will be held on Saturday, March 31, 1-2:30 p.m. Bring a monetary donation, or sign up on this afternoon to become a member of Mariposa. No pre-registration is required.

This is an open level vinyasa class, appropriate for all levels of practitioners. For more information on the class, visit this page. To read more about the Mariposa Expansion Project, click here.


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Adopt-a-Cat: William

Posted on 29 February 2012 by WPL

William, an absolutely adorable 9-10 week old kitten, walked right in Ben’s front door this past weekend. Ben lives at 51st and Walnut. William is the cutest and friendliest little guy – he enjoys playing, nuzzling, and lap-sitting in equal measure. Ben is at maximum cat capacity at the moment and can’t keep the kitten, so he would like to find a good home for him. William gets along great with Ben’s other cats, guests, and inanimate objects.

Anyone wanting to meet him, please contact Ben at 610-761-0315 or by email: herman.ben [at]

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Winning Cash 5 ticket comes from 40th and Market shop

Posted on 29 February 2012 by Mike Lyons

Some lucky person will never forget their recent visit to the 40 Stop Mini Market at the corner of 40th and Market streets. That is where Monday’s winning Cash 5 ticket worth $325,000 was bought. The winner has not been named.

The jackpot comes as result of picking all five numbers – 13, 20, 22, 29 and 33 – correctly in the daily drawing, which now starts over at $125,000. The store will also get a cash prize for selling the winning ticket.

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