
"West Philly"

Watch out for trolley stop robbers

Posted on 10 January 2012 by WPL

Patty Bulack, an activist behind one of the town watch groups in the area, graciously allowed us to republish the message she sent to her group email list. The message is regarding a series of robberies which took place near 47th and Baltimore in the past month, the latest one occurring on Wednesday, Jan. 4. We reported on two of these incidents here.

“There appears to be targeting of those coming off/waiting for trolleys, and those walking past trolley stops… This fits what happened to Stephen Fisher when he walked past the trolley stop at 46th and Baltimore, where the two assailants were standing as if waiting for a trolley. The two incidents recently at 47th and Baltimore also fit this scenario…. In all cases, including the recent one on the 900 block of Farragut near Mood Cafe, two robbers were involved.”

And here’s what Patty advises to do:

“Be extra observant at trolley stops, especially after dark. If someone’s behavior, manner, dress (especially if there are two together) makes you uncomfortable, don’t ignore that feeling. Keep observing to decide if you need to change your plans. Just because they appear to be waiting for a trolley, doesn’t mean you should turn off your inner alert system. But educate that alarm system! Learn what cues let you know when people are socializing, and not threatening, and what would make you uncomfortable (obviously a longer discussion, but wanted to get this out there…)

If you are concerned, take steps to be met at the trolley stop by a friend or neighbor, especially after dark. We can work together on that! …It seems to be a little harder to get the timing right with UCD bike ambassadors but they may be worth a try as well (215-898-WALK).

I am willing to entertain organizing a focused “town watch” at trolley stops (48th, 47th, 46th and Baltimore; 47th, 48th and Chester). At least until someone is arrested who may be responsible for this. Anyone want to do this with me???? How about sitting in cars, or somewhere nearby, or visibly on the corners as teams to deter criminal intentions? For the hours from 5 to 9? Any ideas? What do you think?

In your normal travels, especially if you are a dog walker, be extra observant at those corners – or even intentional about going past them just to see if anyone is acting suspiciously. If you do see something, call 911…”

If you want to reach Patty, email her at: pbulack[at]


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Membership promotion at YMCA-West Philly this month

Posted on 09 January 2012 by WPL

If you have been thinking of joining YMCA but couldn’t afford their joining fees, here’s a great opportunity for you. The YMCA West Philadelphia branch (5120 Chestnut Street) is offering 50% off their joiner fee this month. This means that joining fees through January 31 are:

– For an individual ages 18 and older – $37.50 (regular fee is $75)
– For a family of two adults and children – $56 (regular fee is $112)
– For a family with a single parent – $47 (regular fee is $94).

For information on the programs at YMCA-West Philly visit their home page. To join, stop by the Y or call: 215-476-2700.

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‘Death Bi Chocolate’ at A-Space Sunday

Posted on 07 January 2012 by WPL

BiUnity is holding its annual chocolate-themed bake sale, Death Bi Chocolate, on Sunday (Jan. 8) from 3 to 6 p.m. at the A-Space Gallery (4722 Baltimore Ave). The event is open to the public. Large and small quantities of chocolate will be put up for sale or auctioned off to the highest bidder.

BiUnity is Philadelphia’s support and social network for bisexuals, their family and friends. This fundraiser allows BiUnity members to participate at the three annual pride events in Philadelphia: Outfest, Equality Forum’s Sunday Out, and Philly Pride.

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West Catholic’s fate to be announced today. Update: it is on the closing list

Posted on 06 January 2012 by WPL

Update: The Blue Ribbon Commission on Catholic Education announced today that West Philadelphia Catholic High School is on the Archdiocese closing list. According to the commission’s website, the school enrollment is currently less than half of enrollment fifteen years ago, with the rate of decline accelerating in the past three years, and only 28% of the school is being utilized. “With an enrollment now below 400, it is difficult for the school to offer a diverse academic program and maintain extracurricular programs,” the website reports.

The following schools are presented as nearby welcoming schools: Neumann Goretti High School (Co-ed), 1736 S. 10th St. (5 miles from West Catholic), John W. Hallahan Catholic Girls’ High School, 311 North 19th St. (2.8 miles from West Catholic), Bishop McDevitt High School (Co-ed), 125 Royal Ave, Wyncote, PA (12.1 miles from West Catholic), and Roman Catholic Boys’ High School, 301 North Broad St. (3.1 miles from West Catholic).

The decision on whether West Philadelphia Catholic High School is on the closing list, along with some other Catholic schools in the Philadelphia area, will be was announced today at 4 p.m. The announcement will be was streamed live on the Archdiocese website.

Catholic school administrators were summoned this morning to receive the news of recommended school closings. Schools with declining enrollments are in danger of closing. The enrollment at West Catholic has fallen down to 360 from 817 in 2001.

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Local businessman to host bone marrow donor drive Sunday

Posted on 05 January 2012 by WPL

We got a word from a reader that one of Desi Village‘s family members, Rashed, is hosting a marrow donor drive this Sunday, Jan. 8, from 1 – 3 p.m. to try to find a match for his 4-year-old son Raqib. In May 2011 Raqib was diagnosed with life threatening HLH (hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis), the only cure for which is a marrow transplant. Unfortunately, the national marrow registry doesn’t have a match for him so he needs your help. Please join the drive and be tested to find a match for Raqib. The test is just a swab.

The drive will take place in Upper Darby, at the American Legion Post #214, 6914 Chestnut St.

Here you can find more information on the National Marrow Registry.

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New self-guided walk in University City

Posted on 04 January 2012 by WPL

The American Volkssport Association (AVA), a national walking club, has created a new self-guided walk in the University City area. The walk route includes the Drexel, Penn and USP campuses, Clark Park, and Woodland Cemetery.

The word Volkssport is German for “a sport for the people” and Germany is where the Volkssport walking clubs were started. The local chapter of the club is the Liberty Bell Wanderers and they sponsor walks in Philadelphia and the surrounding suburbs. The walks are intended to encourage fitness while enjoying a walk created by locals to highlight interesting local sites.

The club holds two kinds of walks. The first type is the Year Round Event (YRE) like the one created for University City. The second type is a one time event walk where club members get together to walk a special route on a specific day. Most walks are 10 kilometers or 5 kilometers and designed to show scenic and historic locations and other interesting sites.

The walk is free but if you become a club member you are requested to pay $3 for the walk. Club members receive books that are stamped after each walk and prizes, usually a pin or patch, when a member reaches a walking milestone like 50 walks or 100 kilometers walked.

If you want to try the University City walk, here’s what you need to do. Visit the Cosi Restaurant at 30th Street Station and ask for the Walk Box. The box will provide you with walking directions. Please be sure to sign in so that the Liberty Bell Wanderers know how many people have participated. Some more information on the walk is available here.

For more information on the AVA or to become a member, please visit


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