
"West Philly"

Town Watch information session on Thursday

Posted on 03 January 2012 by Mike Lyons

Anyone interested in starting or joining a town watch group on their block or neighborhood is invited to a meeting on Thursday, Jan. 5 from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. at the Renewal Presbyterian Church which is on the corner of 47th and Cedar.

The meeting will include a discussion with Tara Smith from Town Watch. The meeting is specifically aimed at a group forming from St. Bernard to 47th, Kingsessing to Baltimore. But anyone interested in starting a group of their own will find the meeting useful.

If you are interested in attending, contact Patty Bulack at pbulack[at] so she can get a rough head count.


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Artclash Collective’s 8th Annual Fun-A-Day January Initiative

Posted on 03 January 2012 by emmae

Photo from
(Fun-A-Day 2009).

Every January for the past eight years, Philadelphia-based artist group Artclash Collective has been inspiring people of all ages, artistic persuasions, and walks of life to make art through their Fun-A-Day initiative. The idea behind it is simple: anyone can participate as long as they select an artistic act to do every day throughout the month of January. At the end of the month, each artist assembles the resulting 31-part exhibit for the ArtClash Collective to arrange in its annual show. Daily art projects have been as diverse as making the bed, writing a haiku, drawing a penguin in a different outfit, writing art jokes, posting a Jay-Z quote to your facebook profile, and learning a new song.

Fun-A-Day is now active in 20 U.S. cities as well as Dundee, Scotland, and Montreal.

The works produced by Philadelphians will be exhibited in the 2012 Fun-A-Day show at Studio 34 at 4522 Baltimore Avenue on February 11 and 12.  The exhibit will also feature an open mic event for those making daily literary art. Studio 34 reports that in past years, over 500 people have turned out to see the Fun-A-Day projects.

For more information, visit Studio 34’s and Artclash Collective’s websites.


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Donate to Spruce Hill Bird Sanctuary

Posted on 03 January 2012 by WPL

Bird food, plant and monetary donations are needed for the Spruce Hill Bird Sanctuary. For more information see the flyer below. Please call the Spruce Hill office (215-349-7825) to arrange a drop off time for bird food donations.

The bird sanctuary is located in the backyards formed by the houses facing Spruce & Locust, 45th & Melville Streets. It is open to the public (the entrance is next to 233 S. Melville). Click here to see photos.

Donate to Bird Sanctuary


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Christmas tree recycling options

Posted on 02 January 2012 by WPL

Here are some more details on how you can recycle your Christmas tree.

Option 1:  From Tuesday, Jan. 3 through Saturday, Jan. 14 West Philly residents can drop off their tree at the Sanitation Convenience Center located at 3033 S. 63rd Street. The center is open Monday through Saturday 8 a.m.-6 p.m. Christmas trees brought to the site should be free of all decorations and ornaments, untied and free of plastic bags or wrappings. For more information call (215) 685-4290, 01.

Option 2:  You can bring your tree to Bartram’s Garden (54th St. and Lindbergh Blvd.) on Saturday, Jan. 7 from 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. during Christmas Tree-Cycling & Coat Drive. Your tree will be recycled into wood chips. $5 donation requested. All decorations must be removed. No early drop-offs, please. Also, gently used coats will be collected for donation to Feel The Warmth.

Option 3:  Also on Saturday (Jan 7) UC Green will set up a Christmas tree collection station at Clark Park (43rd & Chester). Bring your tree along with a $5 donation between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. The collected trees will be recycled into wood chips for Farm 51 and the Holly Street garden. Also at the same time and place, UC District is collecting used electronics for recycling, so if you have anything with a plug you want to dispose of, please bring it in.

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Cat found near 43rd & Larchwood

Posted on 31 December 2011 by WPL

One of our readers emailed us earlier today with this information:

“This guy is hanging out on my back steps at 4301 Larchwood. Purple collar but no tag. It’s in an enclosed back hard, but the back gate is open. He/she may not be lost, but I’ve never seen it before, and it’s not motivated to go anywhere.”

If this is your cat please email to: claireiltis[at]

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Support local schools on Donors Choose. Update: Henry C. Lea Elementary and West Philly High reached funding goals

Posted on 31 December 2011 by WPL

A few West Philly public schools are featured on, an online portal that helps raise money for classrooms in need. Teachers at Henry C. Lea Elementary, West Philadelphia High School, Samuel B. Huey Elementary, Anna H. Shaw Middle School and a few other schools in West Philly have posted their projects, mostly in science and literature. An added incentive is that if you contribute today you can deduct from this year’s tax return.

To view the projects and to donate please click on the links below.

Avery D. Harrington Elementary – several projects

Anna H. Shaw Middle School – “Science Journals!”

William L. Sayre High School – “MicroSwitches: Assistive Interfaces For Quadriplegic Teens”

If you want to help other schools, here’s a link to the Philadelphia School District page:

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