
"West Philly"

Burgers and cupcakes on New Year’s morn

Posted on 30 December 2011 by Mike Lyons

Matthew “Feldie” Feldman, the friendly face behind the counter at the Lucky Old Souls burger truck.

If you haven’t tried a burger at the Lucky Old Souls food truck, then New Year’s Day could be the start of something special for you.

The truck will be there this Sunday to help patrons through what could be a groggy morning. Along with their grass-fed beef burgers and veggie burgers, the “farm to truck” spot will feature a range of breakfast sandwiches.

The Buttercream Cupcake Truck (and possibly another truck or two) will also be in the park on Sunday from about 10:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

The Lucky Old Souls truck has been coming to Clark Park on most Sundays, and will continue doing so. They are slowly building a following in this part of town. The usual hours in Clark Park have been noon-6ish, but they might move earlier for the winter.


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New Year’s Eve happenings in West Philly

Posted on 29 December 2011 by WPL

Here’s a sampling of New Year’s Eve parties, concerts and special events taking place in the neighborhood. If you know of other events please drop them in the comments.


• New Year’s Eve with Philly Bloco • World Cafe Live3025 Walnut Street10:30 p.m. (doors 9:30 p.m.)Tickets: $30

Philly Bloco’s 20+ members bring their raucous mash-up of Samba, Funk and Reggae for a very special New Year’s Eve dance party.

New Year’s Eve Yoga and MochiStudio 34 • 4522 Baltimore Ave. • 8 – 10 p.m. • Suggested donation $5 – $15

Wring out your body before you ring in the New Year with this special 2-hour all-levels hatha yoga practice. Class includes brief meditation, pranayama (breathing), seated and standing poses, plus special sequences for reflecting on the past year while looking forward to the future. After practice, enjoy hot tea and mochi (sweet Japanese rice cakes) in the warmth of Studio 34′s community lounge.

Beth Hart – New Year’s Eve concertThe Blockley • 38th & Chestnut • 7 p.m. (doors 5 p.m.) • Tickets: $135

The concert includes: Admission to Show; Dinner Buffet – 7 – 9 p.m.; Top Shelf Open Bar – 7 p.m. – 1 a.m.; Beth’s new CD with Joe Bonamassa, “Don’t Explain”; Beth Hart event shirt; Midnight Champagne Toast.

Gojjo ( • 4540 Baltimore Ave • 11 p.m.-2 a.m. • No cover

Champagne is on the house.

New Deck Tavern ( • 3408 Sansom Street • 10 p.m. • No cover

Specials: $2 Coors Light Pints, $3 Coors Light bottles and $5 Flavored Martini’s. DJ starts at 10 p.m.

Slainte Pub ( • 3000 Market Street • 10 p.m. • No cover

DJ @ 10 p.m. Free Flare & Noisemakers. $2 Miller Lite Pints & Firework Shots 10 p.m.-close.


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Another cat rescued in Clark Park

Posted on 27 December 2011 by WPL

Landscapers try to save the cat stuck in the tree.

A few weeks ago we wrote about an amazing rescue of a starved cat (since named “Clark Kent” in honor of where he was found and his heroic survival) in Clark Park by one of our neighbors. Today we learned that another cat was abandoned in the park and this time it took a group effort to save him.

Reportedly the cat was taken to the park by some women and dumped there yesterday morning. The neighbors who saw that tried to plea with the women to take the cat back. It didn’t work. The poor animal was very frightened and climbed atop one of the tallest trees in the park, where he stayed all day yesterday and all night, crying.

This morning some neighbors observed the scene when a landscaping worker put a ladder on top of his truck and was trying to reach the cat, while the University Of Sciences security and other neighbors gathered around and cheered loudly for this effort. Some folks held blankets to catch the cat in case of a fall.

Fortunately, everything ended well. The worker was able to grab the cat who later was taken to South Philly for foster care. The woman who temporarily adopted the rescued feline came here after she learned about it from a City Kitties Facebook announcement.

Note: We’d like to thank Valerie Ross, Naomi Segal, Barry Grossbach, and Linda Lee for reporting this story on the UCNeighbors listserv.

Rescued kitty. (Photos by Jen Roder)


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This week’s trash collection; Christmas tree recycling begins next week

Posted on 27 December 2011 by WPL

This week trash and recycling collections will be delayed one day, as the Philadelphia Streets Department reports on its Facebook page. Those whose trash pickup day is Monday should set out their trash and recycling containers tonight. By the way, did you know that you can now recycle carton containers? So don’t forget to put your milk, juice, eggnog, wine, soup and other carton containers together with other recyclables from now on.

Holidays are not over yet for many, but we would like to give you a heads up on Christmas tree recycling opportunities in the neighborhood. The Philadelphia Streets Department will open three locations (closest is on S. 63rd Street) in the city for Christmas tree recycling from January 3 – 14. We’ll post more information on that early next week. You can also check the Streets Dept.’s website for details.

If you want a closer location and don’t mind keeping your tree a little longer you can bring it to Clark Park (43rd & Chester) on January 7 between 10 a.m and 4 p.m. UC Green is organizing this event and we’ll provide more information on it next week.

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Holiday hours for assorted businesses

Posted on 24 December 2011 by WPL

Check out holiday schedules at assorted neighborhood stores, cafes and restaurants below. If you know of others please drop them in the comments.




CVS Pharmacy (43rd & Locust)
Saturday & Sunday – Store open 24 hours, pharmacy closes at 5 p.m.

Dock Street Brewery (50th & Baltimore)
Saturday – 12-9 p.m.
Sunday – closed

Four Worlds Bakery (4634 Woodland Ave.)
Saturday – closes at 2 p.m.
Sunday & Monday – closed

Fu-Wah (810 S. 47th St.)
Saturday & Sunday – closes at 9 p.m.

Green Line Cafe
Saturday – Baltimore Ave and Locust Street close at 2 p.m.; Powelton Village closed
Sunday – All shops are closed
Monday – Baltimore Ave and Locust Street close at 6 p.m.; Powelton Village closed
Tuesday – Powelton Village closed

Local 44 (44th & Spruce)
Saturday & Sunday – closed

Mariposa Food Co-op (4726 Baltimore Ave.)
Saturday – 12-7 p.m.
Sunday – closed
Monday-Friday (Dec. 26-30) – closes at 7 p.m.

Milk & Honey Market (4435 Baltimore Ave.)
Saturday – closes at 4 p.m.
Sunday – closed

Supreme (43rd & Walnut)
Saturday – 7 a.m.-7 p.m.
Sunday – 9 a.m.-8 p.m.

The Fresh Grocer (40th & Walnut)
Saturday & Sunday – open 24 hours

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Nature up close in Clark Park

Posted on 23 December 2011 by Mike Lyons

A hawk swooped down and grabbed a squirrel yesterday afternoon in Clark Park while kids, who just got out of school, looked on. (Photo by Mike Lyons/West Philly Local)

Clark Park at about 4 p.m. yesterday looked and sounded as usual. Kids playing after school; their parents nearby chatting. People walking their dogs or reading the paper. Then things changed for a few minutes when a large red-tailed hawk swooped down, grabbed a squirrel and perched about 20 feet off the ground near the older kids’ playground. The hawk sat on a branch with the squirrel dangling from its talons as people gathered underneath the tree to get a better look – the parents of younger children looking a little nervous. The hawk, one of many that call Philadelphia home, lingered for 20 minutes or so before taking his dinner to a more secluded location.



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