
"West Philly"

West Philly RENT School Edition rehearsing, needs more support

Posted on 25 October 2011 by WPL

West Philly RENT School Edition rehearsalRehearsals are underway for the West Philly production of the school edition of RENT performed by local high school students. Project Theater Project has selected a group of really talented folks who are working hard to put together an unforgettable show.

There is a little over a month left in the fundraising campaign to help this project. They still need to raise about $2,400. To donate please go to the project’s Indie GoGo page.

Check out the video of the group’s first rehearsal here. They sound pretty good for never having sung together before.


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A parade, West Philly style

Posted on 25 October 2011 by Mike Lyons

We got West Philly’s annual Peoplehood parade on video. Unfortunately, we didn’t get much of the pageant, but we did get the final send-off. This thing is loaded with drummers, puppets, paraders of all ages. The Spiral Q Puppet Theater describes Peoplehood as “a celebration of our communities’ creativity, joy, can-do attitudes and courage to act on their convictions.” It’s pretty cool.

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Halloween in West Philly: Events roundup

Posted on 24 October 2011 by WPL

Halloween West Philly folks: Get ready for some Halloween madness this and early next week. Here’s a rundown of spooky happenings for adults, kids and pets! (We’ll be adding to the list. If you know of something that should be included please email: editor[at]


Tuesday, October 25

Movie Night: Night Of The Living Dead (1968)
Dock Street Brewery, 701 S. 50th Street
8 p.m.
For more information go here.


Thursday, October 27

Variety Show! Halloween Round-Up with the Suitcase Junket
Green Line Cafe, 4426 Locust Street
7 p.m.
All ages
The West Philly Round-Up has a Halloween theme and a special challenge: How many accordionists can fit into the Green Line on one night? If you’d like to perform (any genre welcome), email bate.emily[at] This Round-Up will also feature a special guest, one-man-band The Suitcase Junket.


Friday, October 28

Annual Halloween Party
International House, 3701 Chestnut Street
9 p.m.
$10 general admission; $8 students + seniors; Free for IHP members + residents
Come out to play and dance with ghosts and goblins as IHP is transformed into a haunted playground. Enjoy music, food, beer and a costume contest at midnight!

Saturday, October 29

Drinker’s Halloween Massacre
Drinker’s West, 3900 Chestnut St.
8 p.m. – 2 a.m.

“Heroween” Celebration
City Tap House, 3925 Walnut Street
9 p.m.
$10 per person
The event will benefit the Philadelphia Ronald McDonald House. Featuring DJ, dancing, raffle and a Halloween fashion show. There will be prizes for best costume, best team costume, and highest fundraiser. Sign-up for a costume or make a donation and enter for free. Otherwise, a $10 donation will be collected at the door.
For more information go here.

Rocknoceros Halloween Party!
World Cafe Live, 3025 Walnut Street
11:30 a.m.
Adults: $10; Children: $7 (ages 1-12); Free for children under the age of one
Presented by Peanut Butter & Jams.
For more information and to buy tickets go here.


Sunday, October 30

Howl-O-Ween Dog Parade
Pleasant Park Nursing Home, 4712 Chester Avenue
2 p.m.
Halloween themed costume parade featuring the dog park dogs. Fun for all ages.


Monday, October 31

Halloween Tot Parade
Meeting by Milk & Honey (45th & Baltimore)
4 p.m.
Featuring the Penn Drum Band, costumes, dancers and trick or treating! Parade will begin by 4:30 p.m., proceed to Larchwood Avenue, to 43rd Street and end at “Little Osage” between 42nd and 43rd Streets.

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Friends of Clark Park meeting tonight

Posted on 24 October 2011 by Mike Lyons

The Friends of Clark Park will hold a membership meeting tonight to elect new board members and update the community on future plans and events at the park. The meeting will be held at Griffith Hall at the University of the Sciences (near the intersection of 43rd Street and Woodland Avenue) at 7 p.m.

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Peoplehood pictures

Posted on 23 October 2011 by Mike Lyons

The 12th annual Peoplehood parade and pageant was today in West Philly. This annual showcase of arts and activism is put on by the Spiral Q Puppet Theater. If you couldn’t make it out, take a minute and check out the slideshow below.

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Occupy Philly coming to West Philly (UPDATE: Cantor cancels talk)

Posted on 21 October 2011 by WPL

UPDATE: House minority leader Eric Cantor has canceled the speech on income inequality after his office learned that it would be open to the public, several news outlets are reporting. The Wharton School confirmed that the speech has been canceled. Cantor’s office has told reporters that they thought the speech would only be open to the media and members of the Penn community. A Cantor spokesperson told Philadelphia Daily News reporter Chris Brennan by email that “The Office of the Majority Leader was informed last night by Capitol Police that the University of Pennsylvania was unable to ensure that the attendance policy previously agreed to could be met.” Wharton reportedly planned to allow 300 members of the general public into the speech.

For the last couple of weeks many West Philadelphians have been going to Occupy Philly. Now Occupy Philly is coming to West Philadelphia.

According to the announcement on their Facebook page, the Occupy Philly movement is going to make it to West Philly Friday for a major protest outside the Wharton School (3730 Walnut St.) at the University of Pennsylvania, where Republican Eric Cantor, the House minority leader, will speak about income inequality from 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. The protest is part of a march dubbed “Occupy Eric Cantor,” that will begin at 3 p.m. at the movement’s base camp near City Hall.

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