
"West Philly"

Found tortoiseshell/calico cat

Posted on 09 October 2011 by WPL

Found catThis information came from reader Ellen:

“Found petite female tortoiseshell/calico; mottled gray fur with dusty light brown. She appears to be pretty young, very healthy, and definitely not a stray. Her nose is gray and she’s got a dusty brown belly tinged with gray and a few darker gray stripes at the end of her tail. She’s very loving and meows very loudly.

She appeared on my doorstep (near 47th and Cedar) on Saturday, October 8 around 7:00 and meowed so loudly that neighbors came by to make sure my cat hadn’t escaped.”

Please contact Ellen at 814-880-0306 if you have any information about the owners of the cat.

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Bark in the Park photos

Posted on 09 October 2011 by Mike Lyons

Dogs and dog lovers gathered yesterday in Clark Park for the annual “Bark in the Park.” There were contests for everything from tallest dog to curliest tail to fastest runner. A good time was had by all. See the photos below.


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Lost female beagle

Posted on 08 October 2011 by WPL

Missing beagleFrom a Craigslist posting:

“Mitsi is a small, under 20 pounds, lemon (light brown and white) female beagle. She is spayed, very shy and timid but will come up to you if you call her. She was running fast about 9:30 a.m. from Clark Park and last seen heading north on 42nd street at Spruce.

She has tags – but they have her Grinnell, Iowa address – 1418 Spencer St., and an All Pets Veterinary (in Grinnell, Iowa) rabies license, and a Grinnell, Iowa dog license.”

If you’ve seen Mitsi, please email to this Craigslist address:

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Hamilton’s greenhouse findings to be unveiled Saturday

Posted on 07 October 2011 by WPL

Search for William Hamilton's greenhouseDid you know that one of the world’s most complex and acclaimed greenhouses was located here in West Philly?

Come tomorrow morning at 11:00 a.m. to the Woodlands Cemetery (4000 Woodland Ave.) for the unveiling and discussion of archeological findings by Sarah Chesney, a PhD candidate at The College of William and Mary who specializes in early American greenhouses. Since 2009 Chesney has been exploring the site of a carriage shed that was once the location of William Hamilton’s prized greenhouse and hothouse complex.

Hamilton (1745-1813) was a botanist and an avid collector of exotic plants who brought many species of trees, including the gingko, to America. His greenhouse complex is said to have contained over 10,000 rare and exotic plants and attracted visitors from all over the world.

Chesney and her team will be showing some interesting items that they discovered during their research, including a previously-unknown brick cistern, a large midden (trash pit), and a partial brick foundation.

The event is free and open to the public. Bring a picnic lunch to enjoy after the talk. There will also be an opportunity for self guided tour of the cemetery. For more information contact The Woodlands at: info [at] or call 215-386-2181.

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Neighbors report gunshots, police activity last night west of 47th and Hazel

Posted on 07 October 2011 by WPL

A few neighbors are reporting gunshot sounds and a lot of police sirens last night, around 11:45 p.m. west and south of 47th and Hazel. The gunshots were also heard near 45th and Locust. We are trying to get more information from the police. According to Detective Joseph Murray’s tweet, what people heard might have been “multiple rounds from a .40 caliber and an AK-47” at 58th and Springfield. Apparently, no one was hurt.


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Calvary Center’s boiler breaks down; about $50,000 to replace

Posted on 07 October 2011 by WPL

We’ve received information from a Calvary Center for Culture and Community board member that the Center’s boiler has broken down as cold weather fast approaches.

The new boiler is going to cost about $50,000 to install. The board of the Calvary Center, a key community asset, is scrambling to piece together the funding to cover the expense and will be looking to raise funds to help. At this point they set up a donations page at: We’ll keep you posted about other fundraising projects when information about them becomes available.

The Calvary Center for Culture and Community occupies the Calvary Methodist Church building which was built in 1906. The building hosts a large variety of community arts, educational and religious programs, including Cedar Park Neighbors, Crossroads Music, Curio Theatre Company, Calvary United Methodist Church, West Philadelphia Mennonite Fellowship, Kol Tzedek Synagogue, and Children’s Community School.

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