
"West Philly"

Traffic stop turns ugly at 46th and Walnut, excessive police force alleged

Posted on 20 August 2011 by Mike Lyons

Residents are still trying to sort what happened at the corner of 46th and Walnut last night at 9 p.m. when as many as 20 police cars responded to a vehicle stop. Witnesses allege that police used excessive force on a 21-year-old man who they say was partially blind. That man and two police officers were hospitalized, according to a report in the Philadelphia Daily News.

The Daily News reports that people began throwing bottles and flower pots at police from nearby windows and balconies. One bottle reportedly struck a police officer in the eye.

Both the police officers and Holloway were reported to be in stable condition this morning.

We are trying to get more information on this story and we will post it when we do.

Below is a video recorded on a mobile phone. The visuals are unclear, but the audio is clear and includes expletives.


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Sustainable Saturday: worm composting, homebrewing and seed bomb building

Posted on 18 August 2011 by WPL

Sustainable Saturdays - AugustThis month’s installment of Sustainable Saturdays, the West Philly local food series, will take place this Saturday, August 20, from 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. The theme is “From Seed to Compost” and features workshops on composting, mushroom growing, homebrewing, seed bomb building and more.

Here are some details:

9 a.m. – Composting Workshop | Woodlands Community Garden (Woodlands Cemetery, 4000 Woodlands Avenue )

Learn about how to reduce the amount of material that you send to the landfill, while creating compost for your garden in just a few months. 25 free composting bins will be raffled off to participants.

10:30 a.m. – Make Your Own Worm Composting Bin Workshop | USciences’ Rosenberger Hall (43rd Street between Regent Square and Woodland Avenue)

Learn about compost worms, keeping a worm composting bin, and using worm castings (aka worm poop) in your garden. By the end of this class you will have built your own worm composting bin and be ready to use it in your home. Worms will be available at the event for $20/lb. When registering, please indicate if you plan to take a worm bin home and purchase worms. RSVP at

Noon – Growing Mushrooms | USciences’ Rosenberger Hall (43rd Street between Regent Square and Woodland Avenue)

Learn about low tech do-it-yourself methods of growing edible mushrooms which are particularly well suited for tight urban spaces.

2 p.m. – Homebrewing 101 + Mead and Soda Fermentation Workshop | USciences’ Rosenberger Hall (43rd Street between Regent Square and Woodland Avenue)

Learn all aspects of making your own beer, mead (a fermented honey drink), and fermented soda from start to finish. Also brewing, kegging, bottling, ingredients and equipment.

3:30 p.m. – How to Build a Seed Bomb | USP Lower Mill Creek Garden (43rd Street between Chester Avenue and Regent Square)

This DIY Seed Bomb Workshop is presented by the staff of Bartram’s Garden. Made of clay, compost, and seeds, these pocket-sized concoctions can bring vegetative life to vacant lots and otherwise blank urban spaces. You’ll also learn more about the common weeds in our midst, and Bartram’s Gardeners will be on hand to answer your burning plant-related questions and dish out gardening advice.

The last Sustainable Saturday will take place September 17. Stay tuned for more information.


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Missing black tortoiseshell cat – 43rd and Larchwood

Posted on 18 August 2011 by WPL

Black tortoiseshell cat missingThis black tortoiseshell cat ran away from her owner two weeks ago. She was last seen a week and a half ago, around 43rd and Larchwood Ave.

She has a black coat with golden spots all over and a huge golden patch on her stomach. She is very friendly and will not bite or scratch if you approach her.

Please reply to this Craigslist email address if you see her:

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Monthly meeting with the police tomorrow

Posted on 17 August 2011 by WPL

Neighbors are welcome to share their concerns about crime and other neighborhood issues at a community meeting with Lt. Brian McBride and Sgt. Ron Washington of the University City section of the 18th Police District. The meeting is scheduled to take place at 6 p.m. tomorrow, August 18, at the Calvary Center (48th and Baltimore Ave.).

Meetings with McBride are held on the third Thursday of each month from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. in the large classroom on the lower level.

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Local feline rescue group looking for new foster homes

Posted on 16 August 2011 by WPL

City Kitties, a West Philly based volunteer-run feline rescue organization, is going through a foster care crisis due to an influx of homeless cats and slow adoption rate during summer months. In addition to that, several foster parents are moving away and City Kitties are in need of volunteers to open their homes to formerly stray cats and kittens.

Five cats need immediate transfer from their current homes. See below their profiles and photos.

Floyd - foster catFloyd: This poor stray guy has been through so much in his life. Floyd (formerly “Popcorn, Sr.”) was cared for by a kind family in North Philly who fed him daily for five years, but could not afford to take him to a vet. His caretaker said that his eye injury likely came from abuse suffered at the hands of a man who used Floyd as “bait” for his fighting dog.

City Kitties provided Floyd with eye surgery, vaccinations, and much-needed flea treatment, and he recovered at the Cat Doctor for several weeks. He is in immediate need of a foster home. He is great with kids and also seems to get along with other cats. Floyd’s left eye was removed, but he gets around just fine and needs no special care.

Steve - foster catSteve: Poor Steve has been on adoption listings for more than a year, and now his foster mom can no longer care for him. He needs a place to go ASAP! This ~2-4 year old tabby was found wandering the streets of West Philly and was taken in by his foster mom. He was in rough shape then, but look at him now! Friendly and incredibly handsome, Steve loves nothing more than snuggling between his foster parents on the couch, or saddling up to a human relaxing around the house. He is laid-back and enjoys food (maybe a little too much at times!) and attention. Steve can be picky about being handled if he’s not in the mood, but he will grow to trust and love a new family as he has his foster parents. They report that Steve is an ideal feline companion, perfect for someone in need of a reading or napping buddy.

Cherry & Johnny - adoptable kittensCherry & Johnny: This adorable pair of bonded kittens have been in foster care for several months — far too long for such beautiful kittens. Despite their winning personalities and matching fur coats, Cherry and Johnny were overlooked during their stint in the window at Baltimore Pet Shoppe, and again when they moved into foster care. What’s not to like about this dynamic duo?! Cherry and Johnny have spent time around children, dogs, and other cats. They get along well with everyone and are gentle with kids. Unfortunately their foster mom is moving out of the area, and they need a foster or adoptive home immediately.

Jalapeno - foster catJalapeno: This beautiful tabby kitten wandered up to a City Kitties volunteer while she was watering a hot pepper plant (thus the name) and screamed for food! Skinny and friendly, there was no way the volunteer could leave her outside. Jalapeno scarfed down several bowls of kibble, then made herself right at home, flopping on the floor for a much-needed nap. Unfortunately, her rescuer has no room in her home, and Jalapeno has been staying in a boarding cage at the vet temporarily — she needs a real home right away.

Jalapeno is about 8-10 months old and fully vetted. She has beautiful markings, a great personality, and an adorable, slightly bossy “meow” that will convince you to do her bidding! Please give Jalapeno the comfortable home she deserves.

To read more about fostering with City Kitties and to apply click here.


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Police searching for boy who disappeared from Malcolm X Park. UPDATE: The boy found sleeping on school bus

Posted on 15 August 2011 by Mike Lyons

Photo of Karyim Muhammad from ABC6.

UPDATE (Aug 16) : The boy was found sleeping inside a school bus around 3:30 a.m. He was later reunited with his parents. Police believe he had wandered onto the bus from the playground when no one was looking.


Police say a 5-year-old boy went missing this afternoon from a camp at Malcolm X Park (52nd and Pine Streets). One witness told police that he saw a man dragging the boy down 53rd Street at about 5:30 p.m., ABC6 is reporting.

The boy, Karyim Muhammad, was last seen wearing a grey sweatshirt, dark jeans and black shoes. Police are checking surveillance videotape from the area.

Anyone with information on Karyim should contact Southwest Detectives at 215-686-3184 or call 9-1-1.


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