
"West Philly"

Masked BB gun robbers captured

Posted on 06 June 2011 by Mike Lyons

Two young men masked with red bandanas and brandishing a BB-gun robbed a woman last week near 48th and Osage, but were quickly caught by police a couple of blocks away.

Police say two men approached the woman at about 10:20 p.m. on June 2 demanding money and credit cards. One was carrying what turned out to be a Beeman P-17 BB pistol and a third suspect later confessed to serving as lookout. The woman quickly called police and plainclothes officers from the 18th District spotted the three men near the 4900 block of Cedar Avenue. All three were captured nearby and the pistol, which was discarded during the pursuit, was recovered.

Two men were still in posession of the bandanas and all three confessed to the robbery.

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Tune Up Philly year-end concert today

Posted on 05 June 2011 by Mike Lyons

tuneupphillyTune-Up Philly began as an after-school program of novice Saint Francis de Sales Catholic School student-musicians tentatively playing “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star” at the beginning of the school year. Hours and hours of practice and a dozen or so concerts later, those same musicians will tackle Beethoven and Rossini today at the year-end concert from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. at the school (4625 Springfield Ave.)

The program, which features 6 to 13-year-olds and is designed to build self-esteem and a passion for music, has garnered praise across the city throughout the school year. Its director, Curtis Institute of Music graduate Stanford Thompson, hopes to take the program to the Henry C. Lea School (4700 Locust St.) next fall.

Today’s concert, which is free, will feature the Tune Philly Symphony Orchestra, Wind Ensemble, Choir, and String Orchestra.

A violinist rehearses. (Photo by Simon Wernovsky)


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Show-and-tell for people with good ideas

Posted on 04 June 2011 by Mike Lyons

pechakuchaSo here’s an idea: Get a bunch of smart people in a room together and let them talk about their passions in under seven minutes each. To help, throw in some savvy digital presentations. Oh wait, that is actually happening tonight at Studio 34 (4522 Baltimore Ave.).

The eighth Pecha Kucha Night Philadelphia kicks off tonight at 7:30. The theme is “game changers” and the event includes presenters from Technically Philly, Independents Hall, The Onion Philadelphia, the Science Leadership Academy and elsewhere.

Pecha Kucha (say peh-CHAK-cha) is the Japanese word for the sound of conversation. The word has taken on added meaning with nights similar tonight all around the world – a sort of show-and-tell for people with really good ideas. A complete list of presenters, including bios, is here.

The rules are simple: show 20 PowerPoint slides, talk about each one for 20 seconds. The night usually includes a lot of socializing as well.

The suggested donation for tonight’s event is $5

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A month of bike sales at Neighborhood Bike Works starts today

Posted on 04 June 2011 by Mike Lyons

bikesNeighborhood Bike Works is holding the first of many June bike sales today from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. near St. Mary’s Church (3916 Locust Walk).

Today’s sale is being dubbed as a “preview sale” in preparation for the Big Sale next Saturday (June 11) at the same location from 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Bike prices will be as low as $20 and some spare parts – like tires and tubes – will also be available. Keep in mind that the cheaper the bike the more likely you will need to do a little work to get it up and running.

Proceeds from the sale will go toward scholarships for the Neighborhood Bike Works’ summer programs.

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Baltimore Avenue Dollar Stroll photos

Posted on 03 June 2011 by Mike Lyons

The Baltimore Avenue Dollar Stroll seemed to be a great success last night. Great stuff available and tons of people on hand. How about those lines?

Here’s a quick slideshow:



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What’s going on in West Philly for Beer Week?

Posted on 03 June 2011 by WPL

Philly Beer WeekPhilly Beer Week starts today with well over a hundred of venues and more than 30 breweries taking part. A lot of folks are expected to turn up and try hard to prove that Philly is the best beer-drinking city in the land.

What about the left bank? West Philly will be well represented with a good number of participating local pubs. See the full list below. For a complete rundown on events in any neighborhood or with any particular brewery, go to the Philly Beer Week link above and click on “event” and choose.

Two small events are kicking things off tonight in West Philly. Bridgewater’s Pub in 30th Street Station will feature tastings and special prices on a range of Samuel Smith beers from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Also from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m., the New Deck Tavern (3408 Sansom St.) will have a “Belgian Blast” with Blue Moon and Hoegaarden pints for $3.50.

We’ll keep you updated on daily events in future posts. Here are a couple of highlights to get you revved up:

June 5 The Philly Cheese Experiment, World Cafe Live ( 3025 Walnut St.), 12 p.m. to 4 p.m. This amateur cooking contest complete with Brooklyn Brewery Beer looks to be savory and sweet. Tickets are $10-$15, which includes a lot of samples.

June 9 Night Market Philadelphia Beer Week Edition, The Blockley Beer Garden (39th and Market Streets), 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. This thing couples two Philly specialities – good beer and killer food trucks.

June 12 Philly Beer Week Music Festival, Dock Street Brewing Co. (50th and Baltimore), 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. This 3rd annual outdoor, all-ages show includes bands, beers and food.

Participating Beer Week establishments:

Bridgewater’s Pub (30th Street Station)
City Tap House (3925 Walnut St.)
Dock Street Brewery (701 S. 50th St.)
Local 44 (4333 Spruce Street)
MidAtlantic Restaurant & Tap Room (3711 Market St.)
New Deck Tavern (3408 Sansom St.)
The Blockley (3801 Chestnut St.)
World Cafe Live (3025 Walnut St.)

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