Posted on 29 March 2011 by WPL
A few scholarships still remain for the Neighborhood Bike Works summer cycling camp. Half of camp spots go to scholarship recipients ages 8-12.
Based out of the Neighborhood Bike Works shop at 3916 Locust Walk behind the St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, the summer camp offers kids the chance to rebuild a bike and earn a bike, helmet and lock over a two-week session. The camp also includes rides and field trips and instruction on safe cycling, nutrition and healthy lifestyles.
The camp, now in its ninth year, runs Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. and there are four two-week sessions available. The sessions begin on July 5, July 18, August 1 and August 15. Only scholarships slots remain for all camp sessions. The fees for campers normally run $425 to $450 per session.
A half-day session is also available at the North Philly Neighborhood Bike Works shop.
For more information go to the Neighborhood Bike Works website or call Summer Camp Director Daniel Helms at 215-386-0316. His e-mail is dan – at –
Posted on 29 March 2011 by WPL
This info came from City Kitties:
All-black female cat, green eyes, missing from 51st & Cedar since 3/20. Contact Lauren at 610-639-6051 or L.hansenflaschen – at – if you think you have seen this kitty.
As always, please pass this along to block groups in that area, and check yards, alleyways, under porches, basements, etc.
Posted on 28 March 2011 by WPL
Lost beagle mix, answers to Jake. About 35 Lbs, white with black spots and a black face. Last seen wearing a red collar and a blue leash attached.
He was last seen on 47th and Woodland heading north and lives around 47th and Pine.
Please call or text Mia at 915-329-2566, or Drew at 860-805-3779 if found or seen.
Posted on 27 March 2011 by WPL
My neighbor just found a very friendly male cat. This kitty wandered into his house, near 48th/Baltimore. He’s a skinny guy, pale orange w/whitish chin, long-haired, bobbed tail (actually looks like it could have been cut off). It appears he’s already neutered. If you know of anyone who’s lost a kitty like this, please get in touch w/me. No photo.
Contact Beth: van.horn – at –
Posted on 27 March 2011 by WPL
Short haired grey tabby with white front paws, white back haunches, white tipped tail, 1yr old. “Ruby” ran out the back door of a house on Pine Street near 50th. Contact Debbie Cade at 215-474-6794 if you think you’ve seen Ruby. Unfortunately, she isn’t fixed… No photo.
Posted on 27 March 2011 by WPL
Update from Linda Lee:
Stacy Darrah is still searching for this dog’s owner. She’s put calls
in to Husky rescue groups, as well, and he’s on a couple wait lists.
Stacy’s apartment is small and she has a large dog of her own, so
would like to find another place for him, with a little more room,
until owner turns up or a slot opens up with a rescue. He’s a good
natured young male, with loads of energy, not aggressive. He does fine in a crate and is house broken. She’s arranging for him to be neutered this coming week. Please let her know if you can help out.
She really has her hands full these days! Her number is
267-902-2020. Feel free to call her if you have any questions. Many thanks! -LL
White male Husky found Monday, 3/21 near 46th & Osage. If you recognize this pooch contact:
stacy – at –
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