
"West Philly"

Fire at 4500 Walnut still under investigation

Posted on 18 February 2011 by Mike Lyons

2:46 p.m.: Police say no arrests were made at the fire last night, but that some people were resistant to leave their apartments.

Fire officials are still investigating the cause of the two-alarm fire that destroyed the top two floors of the four-story building at 4500 Walnut St. last night. Two people were hospitalized. The fire began in the apartments above Saad’s Halal Restaurant, which is on the ground floor.

Fire department spokesman Chief Richard Davison said the fire appeared to start on the third floor, trapping residents on the fourth floor inside the building. Firefighters rescued several residents from the fourth floor.

Fire crews received the call at 6:46 p.m. and the fire was under control by 7:36 p.m.

A heavy police presence was also on the scene and a man was pulled from the building, handcuffed and led away from the scene. Police would not comment on why the man was placed into custody. We posted video of that incident last night here.

Saad’s suffered water damage and as of this morning had not reopened. Plates and food were still on tables inside the restaurant at about 8 a.m. this morning, evidence of people fleeing.

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Milton Street and the mummy maker – West Philly in the News

Posted on 17 February 2011 by Mike Lyons

Milton Street announces his candidacy for mayor under the El at 52nd and Market Streets. (Photo by Lindsay Lazarski for NewsWorks).

Two stories caught our eye this morning.

• One was Milton Street’s announcement for mayor from aboard a rented pick-up truck at the El station at 52nd and Market. WHYY‘s Dave Davies went to the announcement and noted that Street’s announcement in the heart of West Philadelphia drew little attention from passersby. One woman, upon hearing that Street was announcing his candidacy, told Davies: “Milton Street? He is? Oh my god,” said one woman. “Oh my god — that’s my opinion.” Street, the brother of former Mayor John Street, has an interesting history in Philadelphia politics and business. A 2006 Philadephia Magazine article helps fill in some background.

• A second story from the Philadelphia Inquirer‘s Tirdad Derakhshani tells the story of Benjamin Neiditz, who came to the rescue of the Penn Museum earlier this month to create two mummies who stood in for the mummies that were supposed to be part of the museum much celebrated exhibit “Secrets of the Silk Road.” The real mummies had been ordered to remain in their crates by the Chinese government, sending museum curators scrambling to find replacements. Neiditz, the exhibit carpenter, has experience making mummies. “I had a blast making these mummies,” he says of the two papier-mâché dummies he created using photos of the originals.

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Assorted belongings handed over to Windermere residents

Posted on 16 February 2011 by Mike Lyons

Windermere Court residents lined up into the night last night to try to get some of their stuff back. Most of them didn’t get much.

Residents were asked to make a list of things they wanted from their apartments. In some cases they drew maps of where things like documents were. The catch was that all of the stuff had to fit into two large garbage bags. The building’s management assigned a handful of demolition workers to search the nearly 100 apartments for items. Residents were escorted a couple at a time through a locked fence into the building courtyard to retrieve what the crews could find.

As we reported yesterday, residents have filed a class action lawsuit against the buildings owners and management.

The demolition of the Windermere is scheduled to begin today.

We wanted to share some video we shot late yesterday of people’s stories of getting their belongings back and the fairly humiliating process they had to go through. Here it is:

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Windermere residents file class action suit against building owners

Posted on 15 February 2011 by Mike Lyons

windermereTwo residents of the Windermere Court Apartments have filed a class action lawsuit against the building’s owners and management.

The suit claims that the tenants of the building at 48th and Walnut suffered economic losses and emotional distress because of the “negiligence, carelessness and/or recklessness” of the building’s management company, Windermere Court Management Corp., and its owners, David and Sam Ginsberg. Specifically, the suit alleges that the building was not equipped with proper fire detection and suppression equipment – things like smoke alarms and sprinklers – and that the management failed to inspect the building regularly to ensure that it complied with fire codes.

The plaintiffs in the case are Theodore Schall, who lived in an apartment very close to where the Jan. 10 fire began, and John Brendan (J.B) Farley, who has been a key organizer of the recent protests to allow residents to enter the building to retrieve their pets and belongings.

All the residents of the building have been named int he lawsuit and it is their choice whether to opt out.

As the lawsuit was filed today, residents lined up at the building to be given garbage bags with belongings from the apartments. Each resident who arrived at the building today was asked to list the items they wanted from their apartment. The items had to fit in two large garbage bags. Residents were escorted one-by-one through a gate to claim their belongings.

The demolition of the building is set to begin tomorrow.

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Residents advised to report to Windermere for “access”

Posted on 15 February 2011 by Mike Lyons

fireResidents seem to have been granted limited access through a third party to retrieve some of their belongings. But that information is still conflicting and confusing.

Councilwoman Jannie Blackwell’s office is reporting that it successfully petitioned the building’s owners to allow some access. A man, whose name is reportedly Tom Vail, will be on site at the building from noon to 3 p.m. this afternoon and from 5 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. this evening. Residents should report to Vail to request that belongings be retrieved. They will then be bagged and turned over to the building’s security, Blackwell’s representative, Anjali Chainani, said by e-mail. Building residents themselves will still not be permitted to enter the building.

Resident representative J.B. Farley said the situation is still confusing and that he is still trying to determine how the plan to retrieve belongings will work.

There has been no indication that a search for surviving cats left behind during the fire will be conducted.

Meanwhile, a crew from PGW was at the Windermere building today to sever the gas lines in preparation for the building’s demolition, which is now scheduled to begin tomorrow (photo left).

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Documentary captures story of Windermere residents

Posted on 15 February 2011 by Mike Lyons

Protesters stand near a backhoe on Monday to prevent it from being used to begin demolition of the Windermere Court Apartments. (Photo by Daniel Brown, Wide Eyed Pictures)

The story of the Windermere Court residents and their fight to get back into their building has touched a nerve with many of us. It has gone from a story about saving pets and belongings to a story about justice and the struggle of regular people against a large bureaucratic machine.

There are no street demonstrations today, but the rally is continuing. The demolition was put on hold until tomorrow, but residents have still not been granted permission to enter. Maybe now is a good time for reflection as we wait for more news. Filmmaker Daniel Brown and his production company Wide Eyed Pictures has produced a wonderful documentary on the experience of Windermere Court residents. Please pass this around as it does a great job in helping people understand what is at stake here.

Here’s what Daniel wrote:

I’m so worried about the animals in there. Of course I’m worried about  peoples personal possessions – photo albums, home videos, etc. But to  know that there are living, breathing pets in there who have their own  feelings and emotions – it just kills me. That’s the drive for me to shoot this.

When I go back Wednesday I plan to focus more on the undamaged areas.  I feel the first video shows a lot of the damaged top, and I want people to understand how much of the building is still intact.

What you can do to help:
Write or call the Mayor’s office and register your complaint about the scheduled demolition. The city is reportedly the driving force behind the building being torn down so quickly.

Here is the contact info: and phone number is 215-686-2181.

Here is Daniel’s piece:

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