
"West Philly"

Block improvement grants available for Garden Court

Posted on 10 January 2011 by Mike Lyons

The Garden Court Community Association is offering grants of up to $700 for sidewalk repairs, tree pruning and planting and a variety of other block improvements. The grants require a dollar-for-dollar matching by the block in labor, in-kind services or cash. The grants are available for blocks within the Garden Court neighborhood – 45th Street to 52nd Street and Locust Street to Cedar Avenue.

Possible improvements include:

• Professional tree pruning

• Planting new street trees

• Sidewalk repairs

• Development of lawns between the curb and sidewalk

Applications require at least two people on the same block living in different households. At least one applicant must be a member of the community association. Grant applications are due Feb. 1 and the grants will be announced March 1. Grant applications are available here.

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Five alarm fire at West Philly charter school

Posted on 09 January 2011 by Mike Lyons

Firefighters are battling a five-alarm blaze this morning at the Global Leadership Academy Charter School at 5151 Warren St. The fire is under control, according to reports and no injuries have been reported. The fire appears to have started at about 6 a.m. this morning.

Police have rerouted all traffic, including buses and trolleys, off of Lancaster Avenue near the fire.

About 500 students grades K-8 attend GLA Charter School, which is scheduled to begin the 2011-2012 school year at a new building near 46th and Girard.

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Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night…

Posted on 08 January 2011 by Mike Lyons


There are still a couple of hours left to catch today’s winter edition of the Clark Park Farmer’s Market. Several hearty vendors have braved the snow to offer some fresh vegetables, bread, eggs and the like. The market runs until 2 p.m. today.

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West Philly way back

Posted on 07 January 2011 by Mike Lyons

OK. This is a pretty easy one. Know where this 1954 photo was taken? Click on “comments” to answer.

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West basketball player/artist

Posted on 07 January 2011 by Mike Lyons

The Daily News included a nice little profile of West Philadelphia High School forward Lemeir Mitchell in its report of West’s drubbing of Horace Furness yesterday 76-60.

In addition to being a basketball player, Mitchell, who lives at 52nd and Hazel, is also an artist and, for now, he is specializing in tattoo art. He has even given himself a couple, including one that runs from elbow to his wrist.

Here is the full story.

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Prepare for Death Bi Chocolate

Posted on 07 January 2011 by Mike Lyons

Brace yourselves. Death Bi Chocolate, the annual bake sale fundraiser for BiUnity, is this Saturday afternoon at A-Space (4722 Baltimore Ave.). If any of your New Year’s resolutions involve stopping or cutting down on your chocolate intake, then you need to put them hold for a day. This is worth it.

Death Bi Chocolate features large and small quantities of chocolate for sale in a variety of forms. Friendly folks will also be playing board games during the sale that are open to anyone. The sale runs from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.

BiUnity is a social and support network for bisexual people, their family and friends. The all-volunteer organization has monthly discussion groups and events, including a movie night.

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