A sampling of things going on today. There may be more in the happenings section (our ever-expanding listings). Send your listings to: editor [at] westphillylocal.com
• Ayca Yesim at Penn Museum • 6 p.m. • 3260 South St. • Free with regular admission donation.
Ayca Yesim is a Turkish music singer who performs in New York Philadelphia area. Classical Turkish music is a centuries old music tradition which was passed from generation to generation by means of personal training rather than through written instructions. Free with regular museum admission donation.
We came across this video, which includes interviews with longtime Walnut Hill residents, on the website of The Enterprise Center. Asia Ray, a West Philadelphia High School graduate, shot the film a couple of years ago during the Walnut Hill planning process. It has only become available recently on The Enterprise Center’s website. The piece provides a good perspective on the past, present and future of the neighborhood, which runs from Spruce to Market Streets, 45th to 52nd Streets.
Nasty weather like today’s brings along high heating bills. There is help for folks who need it. A number of assistance programs exist to help pay gas and electric bills. The Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), for example, can provide grants for energy bills for a family of three with a gross income below $29,296.
Depending on your feelings about romantic comedies, going to see the soon-to-open James L. Brooks movie How Do You Know? may only appeal to you because it was partially shot nearby. Scenes for the film, which opens Friday and stars Reese Witherspoon, Owen Wilson, Paul Rudd and Jack Nicholson, were shot at the Armory at 33rd and Lancaster Avenue as well as the Widener building near 13th and Chestnut.
Another film with a little more of the West Philly vibe is Cafe, which was filmed here in the summer of 2009. Any of you who have spent time at the Green Line Cafe on Baltimore Avenue will recognize the cafe in Cafe. That’s because writer and director Marc Erlbaum wrote much of the screenplay at said Green Line (renamed “West Philly Grounds” for the movie). The film, which stars Jennifer Love Hewitt, was screened October 16 at the Philadelphia Film Festival. We have been hunting around for other screenings. Let us know if you hear of any.
Here’s some footage from Cafe, including some outside the Green Line, that includes co-star Daniel Eric Gold.
Last year’s record snowfall left sidewalks like this one on 44th Street near Spruce buried.
The City Council passed legislation recently that will now require property owners to shovel at least a 36-inch path – up from 30 inches – down snowy sidewalks. The change is designed to make a wider path for people in wheelchairs, many of who were stranded during last year’s record snowfall. City Councilwoman Donna Reed Miller, who proposed the changes, also said the bill will help people pushing strollers.
The catch to all of this, of course, is enforcement. We’ll see if the city backs it up, especially considering that, as the Inquirer reported, City buildings are often the worst offenders of leaving treacherous winter sidewalks.
There’s not much more to it than that, but here’s the actual changes if you’re interested:
A sampling of things going on around the hoods today. There may be more in the happenings section (our ever-expanding listings). Send your listings to editor [at] westphillylocal.com
• Premier performance of Missa Brevis for the Virgin of Guadalupe • 8 p.m. • Philadelphia Episcopal Cathedral • 3723 Chestnut St. • Donation: $5-10
St. Mary’s Episcopal Church composer in residence Scott Ordway presents his piece, which is based on travels he did in Mexico last Spring. Here is video from the final dress rehearsal:
• Diabetes Education Classes • 11 .a.m. – 12:30 p.m. • Mercy Hospital Outreach Center • 5322 Cedar Ave.
• Women of Faith and Hope Cancer Self-Support Group • 6:30 p.m. – 8 p.m. • Mercy Hospital • 501 S. 54th St., administrative conference room, 1st floor.
• Books Through Bars 20th Anniversary Party • 7 p.m. • Dock Street Brewing Co. • 701 S. 50th St.
The 20th anniversary party of Books Through Bars will include music by DJ Half-Breed and spoken word by Andrea “Philly” Walls. Pizza and Beer will be served. Suggested donation is $15-$25 and advance tickets are available at Books Through Bars.
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